Federal “hate crimes” bill

Another action alert: People for the American way has set up a toll-free number to let you call your legislator about the pending federal hate crimes bill (The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act (S 625)) and the American Family Association is suggesting that all right-wingers do just that. Here’s their email:

Subj: Urgent! Oppose Kennedy Hate Crimes Bill Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 09:20:00 -0500 From: “American Family Association” ———————————————————————————————— Call in Free to Capitol Hill, Oppose the Kennedy Hate Crimes Bill

People for the American Way (PFAW) has provided a toll-free number to call
the Capitol Hill switchboard, which connects to any senator or
congressman’s office.


PFAW has slated (today) Tuesday, June 4, and (tomorrow) Wednesday, June 5
as “call-in days.”

Although PFAW hopes callers will back the federal hate crimes bill,
callers are free to oppose it. American Family Association opposes the
bill because it expands federal power, promotes the homosexual agenda, and
would skew the allocation of law enforcement resources to “politically
correct” crimes. AFA believes such laws will lead to suppression of the
freedoms of speech, religion and assembly, as authorities will falsely
treat Biblical views as “hate speech” that incites violence. Canada has
already cited hate crime laws to suppress criticism of homosexuality over
the airwaves and even in newspaper ads.

Please call 1-877-242-0100, ask for your legislator, and tell the
legislator’s staff person that you OPPOSE the HATE CRIMES BILL. You need
not give them the full name of the bill, which is the Local Law
Enforcement Enhancement Act (S 625). Sponsored by Sen. Ted Kennedy
(D-Massachusetts), the bill would greatly expand the federal government’s
power to enter “hate crime” cases and it would add “sexual orientation” to
the existing law.

Hate crime laws violate the constitutional guarantee of equal protection
under the law because they target speech and thoughts, not actions, which
are already covered under criminal law. Hate crime laws divide citizens
into groups with differing levels of protection. Mr. Kennedy’s bill
authorizes this federal power grab by citing the Interstate Commerce
Clause rather than the 14th Amendment, because he knows that “sexual
orientation” has never been declared a specially protected minority class
such as racial or ethnic groups that are covered under the 14th
Amendment’s Equal Protection clause.

Hate crimes allegedly triggered by “sexual orientation” have dropped
during the past two years, according to FBI statistics, even though more
agencies are reporting such crimes.

There is no epidemic of hate crimes against homosexuals, nor is there any
evidence that prosecutors or police are taking crimes against homosexuals
any less seriously than for any other victim. Homosexuals, like other
citizens, should have equal protection from criminals, but not more than
other citizens.

Grandmothers deserve at least as much protection under the law as a
homosexual. Hate crimes make some victims a higher priority than others.

Oppose the Kennedy hate crimes bill. Call: 1-877-242-0100.

Posted by Jim Kalb at June 04, 2002 05:33 PM | Send

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