Bush Announces Racial Socialism

With his plan for the federal government to close the racial “home ownership gap,” President Bush has signed on to racial socialism. We already knew that Bush was for multiculturalism and official rights for foreign languages, like his Democratic predecessor. But now he has gone beyond his predecessor. After all, Clinton, even with all his anti-white demagoguery, never said straight out: “Whites have more of some particular good than blacks and Hispanics. Therefore the government is going to give money directly to blacks and Hispanics so that they can buy this good at the same rate as whites. The goal of government is to assure that all racial groups, as racial groups, enjoy the American Dream equally.” Yet this is what our conservative Republican president has now done.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 22, 2002 02:36 PM | Send

And here is what the establishment response to Mr. Auster looks like:

Conservatives, cut Bush slack

Posted by: John on June 22, 2002 3:45 PM

The article, by Thomas Roeser in the Chicago Sun-Times, tells conservatives to lay off Bush, but only touches on a couple of the many reasons that conservatives are, to put it mildly, unhappy with Bush. Roeser tells conservatives to swallow their upset, while he ignores most of the things they are upset about. I guess that’s the definition of establishmentarian.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on June 22, 2002 4:02 PM

Have you heard of Rep. Tom Tancredo, Republican of Colorando?

My spy network (hear-say) informs me that there are already “Tancredo for President” bumper stickers out here in flyover country.

He’s with Rep. Jim Ramstad (Minnesota Republican) and others that want to put troops on the borders, according to this story in the Washington Times:

Posted by: John on June 22, 2002 6:51 PM
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