Hate Crimes Police Raid 150 Homes

The BBC reports, as a routine news item not requiring any particular explanation, that police in London on Wednesday morning raided 150 homes and arrested 83 persons on charges of racism, homophobia and domestic violence. “The raids signaled the start of a day of police action against ‘hate crime’—offences against people on the grounds of their race, faith, religion, disability, or sexuality…. Posters in newspapers and on the Tube and trains urging victims of hate crime to come forward are running as part of a two-week campaign by the Metropolitan Police.”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 13, 2002 06:56 PM | Send

Boy that is scary news: equating thought crime with violent crime. 1984 came late, but it came. My motivation for change might be going into a higher gear. Mr. Auster’s earlier article (Why Conservatives Call PC Tyranny Silly), which today Matt brought to my attention, is most relevant here. We can no longer view PC as silly. It is no longer sufficient to call Sheriff Moose’s (and maybe the federal government’s) actions “silly,” “stupid,” “PC,” “misguided,” “erroneous,” “mistaken,” “negligent,” and “illiterate.” His actions were to let every black suspect loose and to focus exclusively on white suspects. It might be time to call such actions crimes against humanity or simply criminal negligence. Maybe the Soviet Union had one good idea: hold public officials criminally liable for extreme negligence.

Posted by: P Murgos on November 13, 2002 11:02 PM

Over eighty Londoners arrested on suspicion of hating? — on suspicion of hurting the feelings of Muslims or of homosexuals through mean things they may have said? The police raids were made on the strength, no less, of denunciations by neighborhood spies duplicating the system they have in Red China for enforcing THAT government’s mind-control?

“Beyond belief” is the term for it — simply beyond belief! Whoever would’ve BELIEVED, when one was a kid, that this was what the UK — the Mother Country — would come to in the year 2002?

The evil behind-the-scenes élites who are pushing this sort of thought control (thought control straight out of “1984” and that is no exaggeration), to be implemented by such utterly clueless and moronic thought-police dupes as this Dick woman, may or may not know that when the fire they are so foolishly playing with burns out of control it will consume everyone — not just their enemies the Tories. And what will come in the aftermath of the conflagration which they ignited will not, one dares to say, be to their liking. But it will be too late … for them and for everyone else.

Posted by: Unadorned on November 14, 2002 12:45 AM

Orwell was a prophet, evidently. Add to this madness the fact that defending your family or person is now quite illegal in the UK (even with sticks). Is this government any longer legitimate? If a person has no right of self-defense, any other rights on the books strike me as completely meaningless. Is it time for people over there to overthrow the regime? The UK appears to have morphed into something resembling a totalitarian regime.

Posted by: Carl on November 14, 2002 2:39 AM

Americans beware. Acceptance of thoughtcrime raids in the United Kingdom can only make it easier for those who want the same for the United States to get it. Do not expect many of the usual civil rights suspects to rally to the defense of people accused of anti-PC thoughtcrimes. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on November 14, 2002 9:25 AM

Being an American, I heard of the laws against the traditional English for not accepting their “New Britans,” but this is proof of such. I take it this law is only for Caucasian English being that non-caucasians are exempt. The premise of the need for such thought police is that non-caucasians are incapable of hating. It is apparently a crime to object to being replaced by foreigners.

Good thing I live across the Atlantic. In America there are no race laws.

Posted by: R.Simmons on November 14, 2002 10:54 PM

“It is apparently a crime to object to being replaced by foreigners.”

Mr. Simmons, BINGO!! — you’ve got it exactly, friend!!

It’s now been made a serious crime to object to your group’s being erased and foreigners brought in to take its place. That’s EXACTLY what’s been criminalized in the UK and soon to be made against the law here, too, if Americans permit it to happen.

If enough of us say “Over my dead body!” to the feds, we might yet stand a chance.

It’s as simple as that, friend.

Posted by: Unadorned on November 14, 2002 11:42 PM

I’ve been unable to find at google any other stories expanding or or confirming the item from BBC News that I linked. It’s strange. Wouldn’t other British papers be covering such an extraordinary event? What’s also strange is the absence of details in the BBC story explaining exactly what the offenses are.

Is this the way 1984 would arrive, just a single laconic news item announcing that the Metropolitican Police operating under the Diversity Directorate have started mass arrests for hate crimes and homophobia?

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 15, 2002 12:28 AM

Mr. Auster says, “I’ve been unable to find at google any other stories expanding or or confirming the item from BBC News that I linked. It’s strange.”

Perhaps not so strange — it’s the same with the Witchita Massacre: nowhere to be found in the mainstream media. But Thank God The Force* is with us! (See comment on the Witchita Massacre here, by the way:

http://www.richardpoe.com/blog_single.php?rowID=72 )

For the record, pasted below is a brief letter (which included my own personal commentary in brackets) which I sent about the Diversity Directorate’s (had I made that name up, people would have laughed at me!) London swoop to www.Vdare.com after seeing it in Mr. Auster’s VFR blog entry of Nov. 13th:

“Date: 11/13/02 10:55:57 PM Central Standard Time
“From: Cognassier
“To: pbrimelow@vdare.com

” ‘Commander Cressida Dick [or should that be Dickhead?], director of the [London Metropolitan Police’s] Diversity Directorate [“Diversity Directorate”???? is that something straight out of Orwell’s “1984”? …. or what???], denied the operation [in which more than eighty Londoners were arrested, on — get this — suspicion of hating] was simply a publicity stunt. She said: “We want the offenders who hate, hurt and harm others to know the Met will do everything in its power to find them out and put a stop to their crime. People should not have to go through life being subjected to abuse because of who they are or what they believe in.” ’

“For those with strong stomachs, who think they can look the imminent demise of Western Civilisation straight in the eye without retching, here’s the article:


( * The Force is the conservative portion of the Blogosphere and internet. It is naught less than our lifeline, our anti-“1984” life-preserver, our very oxygen, in these momentous, perilous times wherein the leftist iron boot heel is firmly crushing our windpipe and suffocating us to death. May The Force be With You!)

Posted by: Unadorned on November 15, 2002 9:16 AM
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