U.S. Islam is primarily Wahhabi

Palmer Raids, Redux. I have previously said that the United States should expel any Muslim visitors to the U.S. who are militant Islamists; deport any resident aliens who are militant Islamists, and, finally (as an urgent matter of national survival transcending the Constitution), remove the citizenship of and deport any naturalized U.S. citizens who are militant Islamists. In an interview published at FrontPage Magazine, Stephen Schwartz reports that 80 percent of U.S. mosques are Wahhabi controlled (the only country outside of Saudi Arabia where that’s true). While not all the people attending those mosques are Wahhabis, the evidently huge number of Wahhabis in the U.S. gives an idea of the drastic steps America needs to take if it is serious about protecting itself.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 21, 2002 01:16 PM | Send

You are correct that US mosques are mostly Wahabi and the reason is that they were financed and built by Saudis to spread their extreme form of Islam in the US. I personally know several Moslems who came from Moderate Arab countries such as Lebanon and Egypt and after attending theses Mosques they started wearing Islamic clothes for the first time in their lives! They are turning the Moderate Moslems in America into extremists.

Nonie Darwish

Posted by: Nonie Darwish on February 2, 2003 12:49 AM
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