Conservative columnists on Lott

Over the electronic transom came my daily fix of conservative columnists from Nine of the 16 columns in today’s issue are on Trent Lott. Here, as a service to VFR’s readers, are four I found particularly interesting. Note that each of the four columnists suggests a different responsible party for this mess:

Patrick Buchanan says Lott was done in by Bush, “Caesar stabbing Brutus” rather than the other way around.

David Limbaugh says the only solution to this terrible fix is for the GOP finally to start fighting back against the left’s incessant charges of racism.

R. Emmet Tyrrell talks both of the left’s double standard and of the “baseness” and “ignobleness” that Lott showed under fire.

Charles Krauthammer, a leading neocon, boastfully admits the very thing that a friend said to me yesterday and I rejected: that Lott’s main attackers are the neocons.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 19, 2002 07:00 AM | Send


I agree with Buchanan on the “Cæsar-stabbing-Brutus” scenario. And I wonder if Bush’s totally frigid behavior toward Lott isn’t a bit of Karl-Rove-orchestrated pay-back for Lott’s recently endorsing the tightening-up of the border with Mexico, “using troops if necessary” (don’t anyone doubt for a moment that the feds could seal the southern border tighter than a drum in five seconds if they wanted).

The politically blind, tone-deaf, and frankly just not-very-bright Karl Rove sees the literal transformation of the entire American Southwest — including all of California and Texas and almost all of what lies in between — into a Mexican colony, with even the white “Anglo” populace transformed into a Mexican peasant populace and any-Anglos-who-don’t-like-it-can-leave-and-hell-no-we’re-not-asking-Americans-first-if-they-want-this-transformation-we’re-just-going-to-ram-it-down-their-throats — Rove sees this transformation, then, as the way to assure a second term for Bush, and HATES, LOATHES, DETESTS, and utterly DESPISES anyone who stands in the way of this, his pet project.

Rove is reportedly livid over Colorado Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo’s forthright position against such a transformation of our country and desperately wants Tancredo defeated in the next Republican primary (not likely, considering Tancredo, despite being targeted behind the scenes by Rove, just won re-election with a humungous 68 percent of the vote PRECISELY because the American people favor HIS, NOT ROVE’S, position on excessive incompatible immigration!!).

Knowing how Rove is on the question of open borders with Mexico, then, one can imagine how the you-know-what must’ve hit the fan when Lott came out publicly the other week (I saw it reported in and elsewhere) in favor of “troops on the border, if necessary,” to stem some of the immigration flood.

(See also, by the way, the following e-mailed update, which I received yesterday from, announcing a fax which subscribers may send to Karl Rove asking him to please lay off Congressman Tancredo: “Some of you may have seen this fax already. As you may know, White House political assitant, Karl Rove, wants immigration reform champion, Congressman Tom Tancredo, voted out of office in the ‘04 primary. He does not like the fact that Tancredo has been so outspoken against the President’s [and Karl Rove’s repeated] amnesty [for illegal aliens] proposals.”)

As for Pres. Bush, his family’s reasons for wanting to replace the white “Anglo” population in this country with Mexican peasants are many and varied, and include the fact that Republican “blue-bloods” and “old-money” GOP families in general, who take an interest in essentially naught but clipping coupons, watching their stock portfolios, golf, yachting, and being sure to winter in the “right” Swiss resort town, are ever attracted to schemes to replace high-wage recalcitrant U.S. laborers with low-wage docile foreign peasants who know their place, thus massively strengthening the companies the blue-bloods all own stock in.

That of course is one of the Bush family’s main reasons (the Bushes being among the most bovine of all the old-money WASP families), and the other reasons are just as bad.

Those others include what is in my opinion the foremost one, first noticed by Steve Sailer: the Bushes see their family as the future hereditary dynastic rulers of a future Aztlan … and the way to get there from here is to first bring about the Mexicanization of the U.S. population.

Sound far-fetched? Kind of like the invisible space ship that was travelling behind the comet Hale-Bopp ready to beam up those cult members once they’d drunk their Kool-Aid? That’s sort of what I thought too, when I first read Steve’s piece, below. But the more I think about it, the more convinced I become that Steve was onto something.

Steve’s piece is here, appended at the end of this Howard Sutherland piece. You have to scroll down (though the Sutherland piece is excellent too!). It starts with the sub-heading, “Steve Sailer adds:”

Posted by: Unadorned on December 19, 2002 9:33 AM

For neocon boasting, see Noemie Emery’s column today on frontpagemag. The neocons seem to have been waiting an hoping for something like this.

Posted by: David on December 19, 2002 2:04 PM

Most commentators of the left and the right appear hypocritical by failing to run with the the story at , which is about the Clintons’ racism and anti-semitism. I should add that ignorance of the article might be a major reason for the silence. But I am now going to send it to Oreilly.

Posted by: P Murgos on December 25, 2002 7:31 PM
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