“Reality television” in Britain

Brent Bozell offers a brief tour d’horizon of “reality television” in our Mother Country. It starts with televised autopsies, and goes on from there. One is just speechless.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 03, 2003 02:18 AM | Send

What this man Zhu Yu is doing is an abomination which mere words can denounce only with difficulty. In the Bible there are scenes described where judges, for example, or other personages, upon being confronted with what to them was an extreme abomination, could only tear their hair out, gnash their teeth, and rip their own clothes as they stood.

This man Zhu Yu is committing such abominations. One cannot find the words to denounce them, and one feels like reaching down and tearing one’s clothes in outrage, as the only thing remaining that one can do.

Posted by: Unadorned on January 3, 2003 9:27 AM

“As for the Christian view on his baby-eating, Zhu claimed, “No religion forbids cannibalism. Nor can I find any law that prevents us from eating people. I took advantage of the space between morality and the law and based my work on it.”

This is precisely how the ACLU originally operated,in the interstices between morality and law. Like Zhu, they destroy our common social mores and leave a vacuum in its place.Zhu just took it a step further, but its all of a piece with the radical left and the ACLU.

Once the social center of a society is gutted like that it dies like a fish out of water.
Action not springing form a moral base can only be an invalid shell of positive law in a society.

Posted by: sandy on January 8, 2003 5:56 PM

“This is … how the ACLU originally operated, in the interstices between morality and law. Like Zhu, they destroy our common social mores and leave a vacuum in their place. Zhu just took it a step further … . Once the social center of a society is gutted like that, [the society] dies like a fish out of water.” — Sandy

Remus once posted a nice comment on this, saying there were unwritten, unenumerated, unspecified social rules mutely present behind our formal laws and behind things like the U.S. Constitution — rules based on society’s common understanding of history, morality, and culture, rules in whose absence neither our laws nor the U.S. Constitution could function.

The left understands all this, and tirelessly seeks to get at these unwritten and unspoken but “bedrock” age-old rules, in order to topple whole societies by doing away with them (and largely succeeding if we don’t stop them).

Posted by: Unadorned on January 8, 2003 6:33 PM
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