Nightclub deaths due to “racism” charge

At the time of the stampede in a Chicago black nightclub that left 21 people dead, the club was defying a court order barring entry to the club’s second floor. The club owner had successfully resisted pressure by the city to fix that violation and numerous other code violations with the help of his personal friend Jesse Jackson, who had charged that the city was on a “racist” campaign to shut down black businesses. Now Jackson and Johnnie Cochran are starting a suit against both the club owner and the city—this time presumably for its “racism” in not insisting that black businesses follow the same safety standards as white businesses. Thus the wheel goes round and round. If you give blacks the same standards as whites, that’s racism. If you give them lower standards than whites, that’s racism, too.

Rod Dreher gives the nasty details at NRO.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 21, 2003 08:40 AM | Send

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