More news from the scepter’d isle

Breaking down the barriers at Scotland Yard: London police change policy to recruit first transsexual officer . They had wanted to recruit transsexuals, whom they regard as an “under-represented group”, as police officers. Unfortunately, their good intentions had been stymied by a requirement that suspects be searched by officers of the same sex. Since transsexuals haven’t been able to change the sex on their birth certificates, although that may be changing, it wasn’t clear how to satisfy the requirement. (Apparently there aren’t enough transsexual perps to make up a full-time job.) Eventually someone said “enough is enough,” exempted transsexuals from the duty of searching suspects, and the way was clear to a solution. Good show!
Posted by Jim Kalb at February 26, 2003 05:47 PM | Send

I am writing my final thesis at Copenhagen University about transsexuals (FtMs in particular), and I would like to know if anyone can answer my question:
Why is it that transsexuals working in the police force care not allowed to search people? I find it a bit strange that one can first be accepted in the police force as a member of one’s chosen sex, and yet still be considered belonging to the opposite sex with this restriction.

Posted by: Al on May 23, 2004 6:50 AM
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