Peter Hitchens on the war
Peter Hitchens, the Tory (and non-expatriate) brother of Christopher, has published an article in the Spectator opposing the war. I didn’t like the article and wrote a letter to the Spectator saying why:
Just like the antiwar right in America, Peter Hitchens opposes the war on general ideological and philosophical grounds—that war fosters the growth of government, that it overturns society, that it leads to utopian crusades for global democracy—while he refuses to address the actual argument for war in this case, namely the fatal nexus of (1) Hussein’s cruel and unrestrained tyranny, (2) his ongoing development of weapons of mass destruction, (3) the existence of anti-American terrorist groups alligned with Hussein, and (4) the demonstrated intent of these groups to destroy America. For the American government to have ignored these things and just let Hussein continue developing nuclear weapons and other WMDs, would have been an act of suicidal irresponsibility. Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 01, 2003 10:57 AM | Send Comments
I wonder if Hussein is as great a potential threat to England as he is to the US. What should a patriotic British conservative do in this case, given the fact that the Blairites have reduced the UK to a semi-totalitarian state? The fact that Blair’s regime was elected via a majority vote does not confer any moral legitimacy on it, any more than Hitler’s election conferred moral legitimacy upon the Nazis. It strikes me that the Tranzi/NWO is a greater immediate threat for the British poeple than Iraq. They are about to be sold out to Brussels - a thousand years of building a unique culture and civilization washed down the drain with a stroke of Tony Blair’s pen. Posted by: Carl on April 1, 2003 4:51 PMFighting the Tranzis and Iraq are not mutually exclusive. The Tranzis oppose the war on Iraq. Take a good look at the positions of the EU and UN. |