“Road map” to another disaster

For the record, I want to say that the “road map” to Mideast peace is a snare and a delusion and, just as the Oslo “peace process” did before it, will lead to yet further disasters until it, too, is abandoned. Those of us who care about the safety and survival of Israel and about not accommodating ourselves to evil had thought and hoped that we were finally beyond this madness. In his epoch-making speech of June 2002 President Bush had cut through the illusions of the “peace process” as through the Gordian Knot. Dropping the pious, nihilistic lie that Israel and the Palestinians were equally at fault and were equally required to make concessions for peace, he stated forthrightly that the Palestinians were the main obstacle to peace. The U.S., he said, would have nothing further to do with helping the Palestinians acquire a state until they abandoned their terrorist culture and politics and their aim of destroying Israel. But now, tragically, Bush seems to have thrown away the hard-won realization contained in that declaration, and is pushing the Israelis—yet once again—into a “peace process” with parties committed to its destruction. It is very, very sad.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 30, 2003 03:38 PM | Send

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