Weyrich and Schlafly have not written about the Supreme Court decisions

As an index of how seriously or unseriously conservatives have been responding to the crisis in American identity brought about by the Supreme Court’s recent rulings, here is a list of the opinion columns written since June 23 (the day of the Grutter decision) by two of the most prominent figures in the conservative movement, Phyllis Schlafly and Paul Weyrich:

Phyllis Schlafly columns:

The Impertinence Of Our So-Called Allies
June 25, 2003

Save Our Policemen; Keep Out Criminal Aliens
July 2, 2003

Who Really Failed: Students Or The System?
July 9, 2003

Paul Weyrich columns:

Thwarting a Congressional Power Grab

Impeachment: ‘Be Prepared’ Good Advice for Bush White House
June 24, 2003

Current Medicare Legislation and Bush’s Re-election
July 3, 2003

Common Sense in Faith-Based Hiring
July 4, 2003

Preparing Tomorrow’s Conservative Leaders
July 11, 2003

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 11, 2003 09:30 AM | Send

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