Transgendered Sergeant Major complains of discrimination

A 42-year-old, four-times married, sergeant major in the British army got a sex change operation, then started to feel that her colleagues were discriminating against her. In one incident, while the sex change was still pending or in the works, “Miss Wingate, then Sgt Major Rushton, was handing over her company to an incoming sergeant major when 22 soldiers turned up dressed as women.” When the commanding officer made no comment about the incident, “This led to me feeling vulnerable and without support.”

Also, her career was stalled. “Prior to any of this happening my career profile was slowly but surely increasing. I thought if I continued under similar circumstances I would have had a fair chance of promotion.” Unfortunately, however, “[T]he Army found it very difficult to deal with the issue of transsexuality.” Some colleagues continued to refer to her as male after her operation, which she found “very offensive and upsetting.”

Sergeant Major Rushton/Miss Wingate is now making her discrimination complaint to an employment tribunal, with the support of the Equal Opportunities Commission.

Reading an article like this, trying to take in the fact that such things are actually happening and that such complaints are actually being made and actually being listened to, can be a real brain bender for a normal human. The way to assimilate it all is to grasp the idea that it represents something new under the sun: Sodom, combined with the liberal state.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 18, 2003 10:20 AM | Send


As one who served as an officer (USMC infantry officer in the early and mid-80s, USAFR fighter pilot thereafter) and witnessed the politically imposed feminization of the armed forces not only of the United States but of our NATO allies as well, this is only slightly surprising despite its utter absurdity. The silver lining is that this sexually confused eunuch’s squaddies were still capable of seeing how idiotic the situation was and mocking it accordingly. The Sergeant Major was lucky to get off with mere mockery. That, however, was in 1998. In 2003, how much further advanced is the march of mandatory tolerance in Her Majesty’s Forces?

In post-Lawrence America, how long will it be before we are reading such stories about our own armed forces? It would be mortifying for this former Marine to read about a Marine Sergeant Major succumbing to the urges that swallowed up Sgt.Maj. Rushton. One must hope that while perverted error rules the West our armed forces never need fight wars against capable foes that are well-armed and not gelded by our sexual obsessions about feminism and homosexuality. One must pray, of course, that we somehow get over those obsessions. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on September 18, 2003 10:47 AM

So this is the “freedom” that young soldiers are dying for in the sands of Iraq? If so, their lives are being offered up on the altar of depravity.

Posted by: Carl on September 18, 2003 12:20 PM

The modern age has assassinated parody.

Mr. Sutherland:

It is my understanding that the Marines have resisted PC tyranny better than the other armed forces. Is that true?

Posted by: Paul Cella on September 18, 2003 12:50 PM

That used to be true, but I am out of date. I stopped flying in the Air Force Reserve nine years ago and have been inactive in the military since. Occasional utterances I hear from Marine generals these days lead me to think that, while not as supine as their opposite numbers in the three big services, they are well-practiced at hewing to the PC line.

That no senior officer in any service has resigned as a matter of principle or honor over such things as the force-feeding of women into the combat arms tells you most of what you need to know about America’s flag and general officers. The same is true of Great Britain’s, to say nothing of the even more libertine armed forces of the Continent and Canada. Having chosen under de Gaulle to remain outside NATO’s central command, France used to be serious about maintaining armed forces that could fight (something most Americans, blinded by the stereotype, don’t know), but they have been devastated by recent Socialist governments. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on September 18, 2003 1:52 PM

Mrak Helprin once said that only a sick country sends its mothers and sisters to war. We are a sick country.

Posted by: Paul Cella on September 18, 2003 2:45 PM

Hence the failure of our marriages, our low birth rate, and our climbing illegitimacy among those births permitted to go to term. Without manliness, without womanliness, what is left?

Posted by: Bill on September 19, 2003 12:58 AM

Would seem to me that you all have no idea what you speak of! Any warrior female or male is worth their weight in gold men and women are not higher nor lower than each other but each have their pros they bring to the table, how ignornant of you to say:

Mrak Helprin once said that only a sick country sends its mothers and sisters to war. We are a sick country.

so what someone said we could not break the sound barrier either that does not make the fact.
transgendered people only have one problem, and that is other people who can’t see them for who they really are, if those people are what they say they are so freakin what, who are we to judge and condemn them for that they feel about themselves. For one min stand outside your actual viewpoint to an opposing side and really imagine they other sides perspective, see past just yourself or your little corner and be more than you are. “reach for the Skye and don’t look down the deck so nothing to offer but failure”
I would apologize for the length of the psst only I put thought into my comments as I see you do not.

Posted by: Skye on February 14, 2004 12:11 AM
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