Recall vote re-instated

America has just moved slightly backward from the state of banana republic-hood that it had been rapidly approaching. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has re-instated the October 7 gubernatorial recall vote in California, overturning the decision of a three-judge panel that had voted to cancel it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2003 04:06 PM | Send

Now the real question becomes whether or not Schwarzenegger is so bad that McClintock should actively sabotage his campaign. I do not think so. Especially considering what an important time this is for California on a number of issues.

Bustamante is so bad that they are toying with disaster here. If it really looks like Bustamante is going to win, it would probably be best for Republicans to give up on the recall entirely and vote for to keep Davis on the recall question.

Posted by: Thrasymachus on September 23, 2003 4:46 PM

California will almost certainly crash if either Bustamante (Doble Cruz) or Davis ends up as governor. With the leftist’s near total control of both the legislature and courts, the state may very well crash even if one of the Republicans manages to win the governor’s office.

The real question to my mind is: Are there enough non-brainwashed white and genuinely assimilated voters remaining to prevent California from degenerating into the Mexican or Aztlanian province of “Alta California.” If not, the US may very well find itself facing the secession question all over again. Even in my most feverish dreams, I just can’t see Bush and the Republicans seriously doing anything if Bustamente and Co. threaten to secede other than bail them out over and over to keep them from doing so.

One of the most disturbing things about this whole recall campaign is the utter refusal of so many polticians to ackowledge the bugetary problems created by inviting hordes of illegal aliens in to take advantage of all the generous social services, medical care and education at taxpayer expense.

Posted by: Carl on September 24, 2003 2:06 AM

Here’s an account of the same problem from my 1992 article Restricting the Immigration Debate. The passage deals with California, and shows that nothing has changed in the last 11 years:


Yet even the half-dose of honesty described above is too much for some mainstream opinion-makers, who fear any open discussion of immigration-related problems. To be truly politically correct, the trick is not to talk about immigration at all—a modus operandi specifically recommended by the Los Angeles Times in a recent editorial. The Times, while conceding the validity of Gov. Wilson’s complaints about the crippling financial costs of immigration, nervously warned that Wilson “could easily be misinterpreted as trying to blame immigrants for the budgetary problems.” And how was the Governor to avoid that danger? “What Wilson should do,” the Times’ editors declared, “is discuss the troubling trend in state demographics.” As Dan Stein of the Federation for American Immigration Reform pointed out in a follow-up letter to the Times: “Discussing demographic trends in California without talking about immigration is like discussing the American trade deficit without mentioning Japan. Never before has any mainstream publication gone on record as urging an elected public official to engage in deliberate obfuscation.”

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on September 24, 2003 2:19 AM

There are two possibilities if Arnold is elected: Either he gets tough and actually is able to steer California away from destruction, or he is not able to do so. The latter is more likely, given (1) how bad the situation is already; (2) what kind of legislature he would be dealing with; and (3) what we have been hearing from Arnold and his advisors so far.

Now, the question becomes: If California implodes, do we want a Republican who had nothing to do with the implosion to be in charge, or do we want a traitorous Mexican racist Democrat to be in the hot seat at the time, discrediting his party and his racist ideology at the same time?

Posted by: Clark Coleman on September 24, 2003 8:09 AM
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