Mahathir’s blood libel and the West: the good, the bad, and the ugly

While President Bush pulled Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir aside at the Asian summit and told him that his blood libel against the Jews—you know, that harmless little notion that Jews control the world and get other people to fight and die for them—was wrong and divisive, Canadian Prime Minister Chrétien remained stoically non-communicative on the matter. Under repeated questioning from reporters, Chrétien refused to say anything critical of Mahathir, other than to refer the reporters to official statements made by Canada’s foreign office. Meanwhile, I bet the editors of The American Conservative are just itching to come out in their next issue saying that they agree with Mahathir. After all, isn’t that what they’ve been saying all along? Check out Patrick Buchanan’s anti-neocon, anti-Israel manifesto, “Whose War?”, where he charges that President Bush is in thrall to “the neoconservatives’ agenda of endless wars on the Islamic world that serve only [italics added] the interests of a country other than the one he was elected to preserve and protect.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 21, 2003 04:09 PM | Send

PM Mahathir remains unrepentant over his statement, insisting that, “the reaction of the world shows that they [Jews] do control the world”.

Posted by: Joel LeFevre on October 21, 2003 4:24 PM

Didn’t Mahathir, years ago, call for the maximum number of Muslims to migrate to the West, so it could be subjugated? What a nice fellow!

Posted by: Alan Levine on October 21, 2003 5:00 PM

Indeed he did. I just found this quote in a document on my computer:


“But we do have the ultimate weapon…. If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America…. We will make all nations in the world rainbow nations.”

Dato Seri Mahathir, Prime Minister of Malaysia, May 5, 1997


But is this statement so scandalous after all? Is there really anything in it that Bush, Cheney, Rice, Frist, Kerry, Kennedy, Dean, Gingrich, Limbaugh, Hannity, Schwarzenneger, Gates, Eisner, Bishop Griswold, Bishop Egan, Bishop Mahony, Archbishop Williams, Pope John Paul II, Blair, Murdoch, Peter, Tom, Dan, Katie, etc., etc., etc., would object to?

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 21, 2003 6:30 PM

Object to it? Many of them have called for it.

Posted by: Thrasymachus on October 21, 2003 6:59 PM

Why is it that so many world leaders are silent with regard to Mahathir’s statements? I don’t think any Arab (or Asian?) nation condemned them. France apparently agrees with him and now Canada is on board too? What gives? Are we to assume that many (most?) world leaders have adopted some form/degree of anti-semitism?

Posted by: Roger on October 21, 2003 7:49 PM

Roger asked, “Are we to assume that many (most?) world leaders have adopted some form/degree of anti-semitism?”


Posted by: Joel LeFevre on October 21, 2003 7:51 PM

Also, you could think of it as the beginnings of a new dhimmitude, that is, the condition of deference and subservience by Jews and Christians to Muslims, but on a _global_ scale. One of the forms this takes is of Christians selling out the Jews to the Muslims. And it’s not just the European left that fits this pattern. Think of the right-wingers in the West who are now openly anti-Israel and anti-Jewish, while downplaying the Muslim threat and even making common cause with Muslims. See my article The New Dhimmitude:

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 21, 2003 8:03 PM

I cannot believe I’m actually reading this stuff. Joel LeFerve is of the opinion that anti-semitism is taking root world wide? WORLDWIDE? I thought I was living on planet earth not too long ago. How did this happen? And what’s more, how did this happen so quickly? I admit that I am no fan of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, but again, I am no fan of Palestinian terrorism against the state of Israel. They are both to blame. I’m not sure what I’m trying to say but this is really astonishing. Even during World War II when anti-semitism was at it’s peak it was not a GLOBAL phenemenon was it?

Posted by: Roger on October 21, 2003 8:06 PM

Roger seems to be amazed at Joel’s claim (and does not entirely believe it, if I am reading his remarks correctly). It seems fairly simple to me: Muslims have always been anti-Jewish, but this was somewhat muted when Jews were just a minority in various countries and had no land of their own. With the founding of Israel, it is far from muted.

Then, consider that Islam is found in Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa, the USA, various European countries, the Middle East, former Soviet states, western Chinese provinces, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc., and you can get global anit-semitism just from global Islam. Not that anti-semitism is limited to Muslims, mind you, just pointing out that the incredible claim of global anti-semitism is easily justified on that basis alone.

Now, throw in those who have figured out that it is more profitable to kowtow to oil-producing states than to Israel (the French ambassador to Britain and others of his ilk in Europe come to mind), and the claim is far from incredible.

Posted by: Clark Coleman on October 21, 2003 8:52 PM

“We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America.… We will make all nations in the world rainbow nations.”

Sounds as if it was taken word for word from the platforms of the two major U.S. political parties, the Dhimmicrats and the Ramadanicans.

Posted by: Unadorned on October 21, 2003 8:55 PM

The Marshall Plan is often touted as a great success, and it was as an effort to curb Soviet expansion into Europe. Now the European descendants of the Plan dislike us (because they speak and act as though they do and are still half-hearted about military spending to defend themselves. Recall that military spending in Europe never came close to American spending. Europe rode the gravy train. So should we put Iraq on the gravy train so they can later stab us in the back too. At least Europe was Christian, but not for long considering their importation of hostile Muslims.

No we should not rebuild Iraq; humanitarian aid only. Let America’s and now Iraq’s soon to be fair-weather friends, the Europeans, carry the load. We should pump Iraqi oil to pay for the war and then leave. Of course substantial effort can be made to reduce the risk a militant Islamic state will grow in Iraq. I suggest America state Islam has declared war on the West and state America is temporarily taking pre-emptive action until Islam carries its burden of proving that Islam is a peaceful religion and entirely satisfied with living within its own borders. The seized land should have a defensible terrain and a deep water port: Eastern North Africa seems a good choice. It is certain Israel would then drop to Satan number 2 and prove Western Civilization, not Israel, is the primary cause of turmoil in the Middle East.

Posted by: P Murgos on October 21, 2003 9:00 PM

And here’s something to add to the insanity. Sixty to seventy percent of the Jewish population living in the West (Israel excepted) fully agree with Mahathir’s “rainbow” statement - along with nearly all of the gentile ruling elites. Liberalism is incapable of comprehending the actual nature of Islam. It’s completely inconceivable to them that Mahathir and his cohorts are actually planning to take over the planet and impose Islam. Worse, rather than being merely clueless, liberals are assisting the enemy in the conquest through their continuing assault on the remaining shreds of Judeo-Christian tradition in the West. Just think of what Bush & Co. are doing to General Boykin as I write this.

I wonder how much of the Paleo right’s anger is an over-reaction to the unrelenting liberalism of the majority of Jews in the US and elsewhere in the West - which is of course profoundly unfair to both the Israelis and to conservative Jews. PJB et al seem to have fallen into the same fundamental error as Father Fahey did several decades ago.

Posted by: Carl on October 22, 2003 1:11 AM

Bat Yeor says that it is right to speak of a global dhimmitude represented by a policy of “deference and subservience” from Western leaders, and that it is important to make the public familiar with these notions.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 22, 2003 8:51 AM

To add to Mr. Coleman’s list of the countries where Muslims, and therefore anti-Semitism, are found, it seems that Sweden has a problem like that too. (I didn’t even know there were Jews in Sweden.) Here are excerpts from the report, “Silence surrounds Muslim Jew-hatred,” by Sverker Oredsson and Mikael Tossavainen
Swedish original: “Judehat bland muslimer tystas ned”
(Dagens Nyheter, 2003/10/20)

Teachers in Swedish suburbs report widespread and brazen hostility against Jews among groups of Arab and Muslim students … During lessons in history there are confrontations between teachers and students, who may on one hand claim that the Holocaust never happened — instead dismissing it as Zionistic propaganda — or on the other hand express their admiration of Hitler and regret that he didn’t succeed in killing more Jews.

There are quite a few websites in Swedish on the Internet that cover Arab and Muslim political, cultural or religious topics. Many of these are spreading gross anti-Semitic propaganda together with information about Islam.

Jews are described as greedy, mean, power hungry, thieving, revengeful, blood thirsty and sexually perverse. The Jewish religion is also attacked and is described as an inferior, morally reprehensible doctrine.

To support these allegations, false quotes from the Bible and the Talmud are used in many cases. It is alleged, for example, that Jewish men have the religious right to rape non-Jewish women and that it is permitted for Jews to lie to or deceive non-Jews. These allegations are sometimes explained with the idea of the chosen people, which is distorted to some sort of Jewish superiority myth.

Another returning theme on these websites is the belief in the existence of a Jewish world-conspiracy. In connection with this delusion lists of well-known Swedes with Jewish origin who are alleged to be part of this conspiracy to obstruct Islam, enslave the Palestinian — alternatively the Arab — nation or simply take over the world, are sometimes published.

It is hardly surprising that people who are living in such a world of ideas and are constantly fed with this kind of portrayal of Jews become anti-Semites. Nor is it particularly surprising that these attitudes are channeled in the form of threats and violence against Jews.

Jewish congregations in Sweden have noted a sharp increase in harassment, threats and attacks by Arabs and Muslims against Jews in the Swedish society during the last few years, clearly connected to the escalation of the Middle East conflict.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 22, 2003 9:42 AM

Last year, my wife and I attened the Israel Solidarity Rally in Washington D.C., April 15. We held signs declaring our support for Israel as Christians, and also in support of PM Sharon for the actions he was taking following the Netanya Massacre — a blatant assault on Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish nation.

As I watched the crowd, numbering near 150,000, and observed the attendees walking along, listened to the speeches and talked with those near us, I could sense something that sent chills up the spine. Folks, there was real _fear_.

It wasn’t so much in the words the speakers uttered; it was something in the air, and it was very real. I looked out at this people who have been persecuted by every world empire, who persist long after those empires have gone, and here we were less than 2 full generations after the Holocaust, and the world now turning against them once again. And they knew it.

There were a few instances where I nearly lost my composure. Nothing worse than seeing a grown man cry.

I don’t completely blame Roger for his dilemma, which seems to evince a denial. It all seems just so unbelievable. We have tried to engage such here, but the insanity of those who intruded made it practially impossible. This seething hatred that so many have for the Jewish people defies rational explanation.

To wit, there are certainly valid criticisms that can be leveled about the Jewish role in various societies, and about Israel in this or that case. I would have plenty to make myself in the appropriate circumstance. But none of these criticisms could come even close to explaining the depths of the hatred directed against the Jews and its worldwide rising tide.

With due respect to Roger, I believe he is terribly wrong at this juncture to assert an equivalence of blame to Israel and the Palestinians. Israel in 2000 even offered to cut her heart — Jerusalem — in two to achieve peace. No one wants peace more than Israel. But again, I think Roger is in a quandry with so many others. It is hard to fathom the depths of the irrational hatred against Israel and the Jews simply because THERE IS NO RATIONAL EXPLANATION for it. So he has to posit an explanation that includes some degree of Jewish responsibility because it just makes no sense otherwise.

And as Carl points out above, even many Jews are in denial over what is happening. This has been seen before — in Germany even as Hitler was rising to power, and even afterwards.

But we are way past the point where we should be asking what is obvious. Anti-Semitism is on the rise. We see it even here in the most philo-Semitic country in the world. We see it coming increasingly into fashion at our major universities, where Mohammedan student groups can invite openly Jew-hating speakers, where mock-roadblocks are set up, where Jews have even been physically attacked in the last year.

And it’s going to get worse. At this point, each of us should mark our line in the sand and declare, “Here I stand.” And I will do so now. I will support Israel and the Jewish people even if it means my life.

There is indeed a reason for this virulent hatred. It’s because they ARE the Covenant people of God. The phenomenal rebirth of Israel was no accident, nor her subsequent, miraculous victories against overwhelming odds. Her Diaspora was pretermined to have an ending: “In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth even for ever.” (Micah 4:6-7)

Posted by: Joel LeFevre on October 23, 2003 12:46 AM

The phenomenon Joel describes can be partly explained as the result of the fact that historic anti-Semitism and Muslim anti-Semitism have both returned and are being joined by modern liberal nihilism with its reversal of good and bad. This makes a potent mix. Liberals must deny that the Other, the Outsider (in this case Muslims) is evil, since they believe that all evil in the world that may be directed at us (or in this case, at the Jews) really comes from ourselves and our own selfishness and oppressiveness and lack of compassion (or, in this case, from the Jews’ selfishness and oppressiveness and lack of compassion). The worse the evil is, the more the acknowledgement of it would shatter the liberal view, because it would mean that the Other really is evil after all. So the worse the Other’s evil is, the more the liberals must deny it. This gives general license to the worst impulses.

Now we have a global culture, with a world-wide “proletariat” of angry Muslims, and a world-wide culture of liberals—dhimmis, Bat Yeor would call them—who enable the Muslims. (The Durban racism conference symbolized this coming together of Muslim anti-Semitism and liberal nihilist dhimmitude.) And, at the same time, coming up from the bottom, the resurgence of old-time anti-Semitism in certain sectors of the right. All this is happening at the very historical moment that the West has opened its doors to the Other. So we cannot underestimate the seriousness of the problem we face.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 23, 2003 1:25 AM
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