Islamism and the anti-Western left

Andrew Sullivan predicts an alliance between Islamo-fascism and the Western, anti-Western left.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 27, 2003 01:45 PM | Send

Andrew Sullivan’s prediction of an alliance between the far left and Islamo-Fascism—though it may not take much art to predict the present—vindicates Eric Voegelin’s analysis of leftism and Islam as gnostic movements. It is convenient to say both are motivated by hatred of the west, but what about the West is so haissable? Voegelin sees gnosticism as a response towards the uncertainty inherent in Christian faith. The gnostic latches on to some means to bring transcendent meaning down to earth—by devotion to establishing the communist paradise or the universal dar es Islam. Voegelin’s analysis, however, does not seem to me to adequately assess the role of resentment in gnostic fantasies. Revenge against the hidden God, by destruction of his proxies—laughably, the corrupt, half-atheistic West, or very specifically, Christians and Christian institutions. Resentment—as analyzed by Eric Gans, who greatly improves on Nietzsche’s analysis—is an indispensable concept.

Posted by: Bill on October 28, 2003 2:26 PM
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