VFR news

I won’t be posting any new entries for the next few days.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 05, 2003 02:15 AM | Send

Get a well deserved rest Mr. Auster. I hope our most intellectual commentators will step up and post some provocative comments in the meantime.

Posted by: P Murgos on December 5, 2003 8:55 AM

I don’t post very often but do derive much value from reading the posts and comments here. This is one of the better sites I have come upon and Mr. Auster gets my credit for establishing a tone conducive to stimulating debate on important issues, as well as for putting in yeoman’s work with the variety and depth of posts. I second Mr. Murgos’s comment.

Posted by: Dan R. on December 5, 2003 6:30 PM

Don’t stay away too long!

Here is Andrew Sullivan’s ‘Quote of the Day’ (December 5):

“No one should find the need to take his marbles and go home just because of one issue (gay marriage). As one who has fought the dragons of leftist public policies for several years, I can attest to the old adage that ‘there is strength in numbers.’ The political left in our nation succeeds because they remain united around a core conviction - big government, while conservatives and libertarians splinter in the pursuit of ideological purity on every issue. This is insanity. Anyone who would question the dedication to conservative principles of David Horowitz and George Will, for example, because they offer a different perspective on the issue of gays, is out of his friggin’ mind. And, I can’t put it more eloquently than that. Please, please, please at this moment of national crisis on so many issues, let’s not fracture our conservative/libertarian family over one issue.” - Ward Connerly, president, American Civil Rights Institute, tireless campaigner against affirmative action.

Now we are being declared INSANE for questioning the conservative credentials of David Horowitz and George Will. The official endorsement, celebration and funding of homosexual unions is just ‘one issue’.

What’s next? Will Connerly propose that Lawrence Auster and the rest of us at VFTR be locked away in mental homes? Or will we now be sent to re-education courses to cure us of our homophobia?

Coming soon:

the conservative case for coprophiliac marriage
the conservative case for incestuous marriage
the conservative case for bestialist marriage
the conservative case for cannibalistic marriage

That’s satire today. But what will it be tomorrow?

Posted by: Charles Copeland on December 6, 2003 11:23 AM

Hardly satire, Mr. Copeland:


Posted by: Paul Cella on December 6, 2003 11:57 AM
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