Dean’s Christmas-free Christmas message

Howard Dean, who recently announced he’s a “committed Christian,” had this Christmas message posted at his website on Dec 25th. The words “Christmas” and “Jesus” do not appear in the statement. Dean simply refers to Christmas day as “today” (twice) and as “a day of peace.” By such peace what he means, of course, is the absence of war, achieved through negotiations, obedience to the UN, appeasement to tyrants, and so on. Driving home the point that the peace he’s talking about is not the peace of Christ that passes understanding, he treats as his authorities on America’s mission of peace the most famous non-believer in American history, Thomas Jefferson, and the patron saint of modern liberalism, Franklin Roosevelt.

Here’s Dean’s message in its entirety:

Today, for just a single day out of the year, much of the world recognizes a day of peace. It is a day when we set aside our differences and come together to celebrate an ideal of a world free from hate, free from want and free from war.

Over the 3,500 years of recorded human history, we have seen thirteen years of war for every year of peace. Today, as we gather with families and friends, we must remember the hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers separated from their families, serving overseas. We must remember the people of Africa who have seen too much war, destruction and want this year, and we must remember all of the other humanitarian crises that escape our notice on other days of the year.

On this day more than most, we must resolve to continue our work and to redouble our efforts to ensure that someday soon world peace can be something we celebrate more than just once a year.

The United States was founded on an ideal that we would serve as a peaceful and moral beacon for the rest of the world. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “Peace with all nations, and the right which that gives us with respect to all nations, are our object.” The biggest roadblock to achieving that is our own doubt that it can be accomplished. Franklin D. Roosevelt told us that “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.” May today bring peace on Earth and goodwill toward everyone.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 31, 2003 02:48 PM | Send

Whew, that sure was inspiring - fortified my Christian faith no end. At least Dr. Dean makes very explicit in his last paragraph that he, like his neocon cousins, is a full believer in America The Proposition Nation rather than America, a real country that is home to … Americans. Those who were hoping that Dean might consider supporting immigration reform are likely to be disappointed. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on December 31, 2003 3:22 PM

For a study in contrasts, here is our current President’s message:

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 19, 2003

President’s Christmas Message
Presidential Message: Christmas 2003

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14

As families and friends gather to celebrate Christmas, we remember all the blessings that fill our lives, beginning with the great blessing that came on a holy night in Bethlehem. For Christians around the world, the birth of Jesus is a central religious event; an example of God’s profound love for humanity; and the pathway to hope and to new life. Today, the Christmas story still speaks to every generation.

This holiday season, as we share in the spirit of giving and enjoy familiar Christmas traditions, we give thanks for the wonder of God’s love and rededicate ourselves to helping those in need. We also pray for our brave men and women in uniform, many of whom will spend the holidays far from home. Their courage and dedication is helping keep us safe and extending freedom and peace. We are grateful for their service to our country, and for the support and sacrifice of their families.

Laura joins me in wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the peace and goodwill of the season fill every heart and warm every home.


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Posted by: Joel LeFevre on December 31, 2003 3:39 PM
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