To survive, the GOP needs not to open the borders, but to close them!

Dick Morris’s inconceivably stupid article cheering for Bush’s open-the-borders plan because, as Morris avers, it is the only way the Republican party can survive (!), is discussed today in a thread at VFR starting here. Here also is a brief piece by me from 1996 which I think gets to the heart of the absurd belief that “the GOP must win over Hispanics by having a more generous immigration policy.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 16, 2004 12:22 PM | Send

The Morris piece contains an amazing number of completely false assumptions. I’ll just take one for starters: Hispanic (Mexican) immigrants are overwhelmingly devout Roman Catholics who are a natural constituency for the Republicans. This is simply false. VFR and VDARE contributor (and Mexican resident) Allan Wall has done a thorough debunking of this claim. According to Mr. Wall, only 25 percent of Mexicans are devout Catholics while over 60 percent are like so many here who depart with church tradition on abortion, pre- and extra-marital sex, etc. I have read in other letters to VDARE that the traditional Catholics are more likely stay in Mexico than come to the USA. The link to Mr. Wall’s article is here:

Posted by: Carl on January 16, 2004 1:14 PM

Here is a piece of a good news:
‘Bush’s immigration plan hurts re-election war chest’,

On local radio stations in SF Bay area hosts continue to read tons of emails from listeners about dropping support for Repubs. Unfortunately it matters none in California as Bush is going to loose CA by 15 points.

Ironically, arguably the only issue that would turn CA for Bush would be his tough line on immigration. With his super-soft line he just double margin of loss in CA.

Posted by: mik on January 16, 2004 1:44 PM

There is something else about Dick Morris. I believe it was about a year or so ago, and Morris was appearing on some Fox News show to discuss Bush’s prospects for re-election. Back THEN, he said there was one issue that Bush was vulnerable on. And guess what it was—ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Of course, back then, when I heard it, I just assumed Morris meant Bush was vulnerable on the issue because of his failure to stop illegals and his prior statements hinting at amnesty. Little did I realize that Morris actually meant Bush was vulnerable because of his failure to pander even more radically to Latins.

OTOH, I might have been right the first time. A year ago, remember, Fox News was on an anti-illegal immigration ratings crusade, with Bill O’Reilly running nightly pieces and the other hosts nodding along. That all changed about seven or eight months ago, when O’Reilly came out with his guest worker proposal and virtually dropped the immigration topic from his show. Obviously, Fox News (or more accurately, the Bushnet channel) got its marching orders from the White House about that time to tack left and begin to prepare the Bushbots in the audience to accept the amnesty proposal Bush just fed to us.

Posted by: Paul C. on January 16, 2004 1:51 PM

Didn’t Morris say a few years ago that there was only one issue that Bill Clinton felt could hurt him in his 1996 reelection campaign? That issue was immigration control. This was the only thing that worried Clinton in 1996, that the GOP would make uncontrolled immigration an issue. Naturally, Clinton had nothing to worry about.

Posted by: David on January 16, 2004 2:02 PM
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