The liberals’ inverted understanding of morality

Here’s an exchange I participated in at concerning the liberal view of morality:

Reply 17—Posted by: diamondjoe, 2/18/2004 1:12:04 PM

… I’m just saying I will find it amusing if a prominent GOP governor in a conservative state ends up being served with divorce papers alleging homosexual affairs with other state officials. Quite amusing, in fact, given the GOP’s current agitation over gay marriage.

Reply 20—Posted by: Allegra, 2/18/2004 1:22:56 PM

“Quite amusing, in fact, given the GOP’s current agitation over gay marriage.”

Oh right…I forgot…the lefty way of arguing: since EVERY straight marriage is not a wholesome and excellent one, straights have nothing to say about marriage. Since EVERY GOP marriage is not perfect, THEY have nothing to say.

Reply 38—Posted by: Larry, 2/18/2004 3:12:10 PM

Diamond Joe’s false reasoning (as exposed by Allegra) is the typical liberal propaganda line: If anyone falls short of moral behavior (which we all do), then morality is a fraud, and we should just throw out the whole idea of morality. The main threat to society comes from people who believe in morality, since they are hypocrites who use their false notion of morality to advance their power.

This is a reversal of the truth, stemming from liberals’ denial that there is anything higher than man. Since there’s nothing higher than man, man himself is the standard; and since all men are morally flawed, therefore morality is a lie.

In reality, moral truth is higher than us. Since we are all flawed, we need moral truth, which is higher than ourselves, as our guide and standard.

But to liberals, the notion of any standard higher than ourselves is a violation of equality, because it means that people will be closer to or farther from that standard than others. Furthermore, since the notion of morality with its hierarchies is untrue (or so say the liberals), it will only be used by some people to gain an unfair and hypocritical advantage over other people. Thus the liberals’ belief in equality forces them to deny both the objective existence and the desirability of moral truth.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 20, 2004 01:52 AM | Send

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