Massachusetts over the brink

The entire Massachusetts establishment turned out to celebrate a homosexual “wedding” the other week. “Among the guests at the 300-year-old King’s Chapel,” writes Jeff Jacoby, “were two former Republican governors of Massachusetts, Boston’s mayor and commissioner of police, the president of the state Senate, a former attorney general, a bishop of the Episcopal Church, and pew after pew of influential doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs. The reception afterward was at the Somerset Club—one of the wealthiest and most exclusive in New England.”

So, it’s not just something that’s being forced on them by four maverick judges. The leaders of Massachusetts (with the notable exception of the governor, Mitt Romney, who was in Washington testifying against homosexual marriage) are by their own actions affirming and validating homosexual marriage. When we remember what the Bible tells us happens when a whole community makes sodomy its public, collective expression, instead of just individuals committing a private vice, we can only repeat, as was said three thousand yrears ago, so still it must be said, “The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 09, 2004 02:36 AM | Send

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