The Kerry and Edwards engagement party

Some acquaintances have expressed disapproval at conservatives’ noticing and making fun of, first, John Edwards’ excessive prettiness, and, second, the amazing and hilarious spectacle of Kerry and Edwards engaged in a series of smiling touches, hugs, embraces, and mutual fondlings unlike anything ever seen between two men in American politics. When I first saw a picture of the two of them together this past Wednesday, smiling so happily, with Kerry’s hand placed affectionately around Edward’s neck, my thought (unprompted by anything I had heard or seen in the conservative media) was, “They look as if they’re engaged.” Then I realized that this was not just a single photograph but an ongoing phenomenon that many other people were commenting on as well. On Thursday Drudge ran a photo album of the happy couple. Now, people may have a point that with all the bad things going on in the world it is terribly irresponsible of conservatives to pay attention to a triviality like this. But my response is, given all the bad things going on in the world, if we can’t get a laugh out of this, what can we laugh at?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 10, 2004 03:11 PM | Send

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