Taranto says blacks’ racial double standard is “absurd”
The mainstream conservative conceit that political correctness and the racial double standard are merely “silly” or “absurd” phenomena, rather than ongoing, actual threats to our country and culture, as well as to white people as white people, seems to be invulnerable. Here’s an e-mail I sent to
James Taranto at OpinionJournal.com on this subject:
Dear Mr. Taranto,
You wrote about Richard Riordan’s insult to a little girl, which a black politician protested until he found out that the girl was white:
“So being mean to a little black girl is an outrage against civil rights, but being mean to a little white girl is forgivable? The incident is a window into the absurdity of so much racial politics in America.”
No, Mr. Taranto, it is not “absurd” that blacks and others do this. It is part of a consistent, race-conscious campaign against white people as white people, and for non-white people as non-white people. This racial campaign against whites is no more “absurd” than it is “absurd” for Robert Mugabe to dispossess white farmers and hand their farms over to his black cronies. It is no more absurd than it was “absurd” for Bolshevists to liquidate property owners and hand their property to their fellow Bolshevists. These leftist campaigns are destructive and evil; but they are not absurd. They are dead serious.
See my article in today’s FrontPage Magazine, where I discuss the nature of this multicultural campaign against the West and against whites in particular, and the refusal or inability of conservatives to grasp the nature of this campaign, which has allowed the campaign to succeed.
Lawrence Auster
Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 10, 2004 03:13 PM | Send