Knight Ridder’s lie about the Iraq-Al Qaeda relationship

Whether we supported or opposed the war in Iraq, any decent citizen ought to be horrified at the wildly irresponsible lying that has been systematically practiced over the last couple of years by Democratic politicians and the mainstream (i.e. leftist) media in their all-out war against the Bush administration. Consider a recent story by the invaluable Stephen F. Hayes at The Weekly Standard about the Knight Ridder news agency’s gross misrepresentation of recent statements by President Bush and the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the Al Qaeda-Iraq relationship. There is no doubt that there was such a relationship, and half the body politic of this country keeps lying and lying in order to avoid admitting it.

Republican politicians are generally so pathetically inadequate, that when one of them effectively exposes the evil politics of the left, I am inspired. I just saw Thaddeus McCotter, R-Michigan, giving a quietly blistering talk on the floor of the House of Representatives, challenging the Democrats on their lies, their empty slogans about “multilateralism,” and their anti-Americanism. The Democrats’ anti-Americanism has gotten so bad, he said, that “I would welcome the old moral equivalency.” This is a Congressman with brains, eloquence, and moral passion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 15, 2004 10:07 PM | Send

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