Hatefully denouncing hatred: The Dems’ big lie

When Bob Dylan talked about people who “don’t hate nothin’ except hatred,” he meant, of course, liberals. An example of this, which has been on display at the Democratic Convention in Boston this week, is the way Democrats such as former President Clinton repeatedly accuse their Republican opponents of “dividing the country.” But what could be more divisive than to make such an accusation? Liberals are thus doing the very thing for which they falsely accuse their opponents. They divisively (and falsely) denounce division. They hatefully (and falsely) denounce hatred. They themselves claim a non-divisiveness, a universalism, a unifying intent, which they grossly contradict with every breath.

If the above describes liberals, then Michael Moore, as he showed in an amazing anti-Republican diatribe at an appearance in Boston, is the ultimate liberal.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 28, 2004 08:49 AM | Send

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