Iraq horror ignored by America

Seventy Iraqi civilians are killed and seventy injured in another suicide car bomb attack outside a police station, and America barely notices this horror. The reason for this is that the Republicans are set on making Bush look good no matter what, while the Democrats are set on ignoring Iraq no matter what, because, despite the devastating failures of Bush’s policy in Iraq and the tremendous opening this gives them, the Democrats have absolutely nothing of substance to offer on that front. So we all keep talking about the presidential race, while Iraqis keep being mass murdered, and U.S. troops keep being killed at a rate of two per day.

I can only repeat what I’ve been saying for the last year. Our post-Hussein policy in Iraq, and thus our “war on terror,” is a fraud. We have no plan or strategy to defeat our Jihadist and Ba’athist enemies in that country, but we can’t leave Iraq either, because the moment we do so our enemies will take it over. So we’re just going to stay there for years and years, with our soldiers being steadily killed one by one and Iraqis getting blown up en masse, while conservatives congratulate themselves on the “success” of Bush’s Iraq policy. If he had an opponent capable of being serious about foreign policy and national defense, Bush would be finished. But he doesn’t, so he’s not.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 28, 2004 10:27 AM | Send

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