Kerry catastrophe

Kerry’s speech is a remarkable disaster. He apparently decided he had to show himself as being “animated,” so he wouldn’t seem his usual pompous, boring, condescending self. But as a result, he comes across as artificially excited, pumping himself up, he’s even sweating. Meanwhile, the fundaments of his objectionable personality haven’t changed in the slightest. That unmodulated, stentorian, oppressive voice that I find unbearable to listen to is still there, only its gotten louder and more aggressive, with an almost frenzied quality added onto it. He’s shouting the speech. And substantively, he’s giving the same empty, contradictory message he’s given all along. He remains a self-important, vacuous man, searching in vain for a similacrum of identity.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 29, 2004 10:21 PM | Send

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