Freepers angrily rejected my criticisms of Bush in 2000

By chance I just came upon a four-year-old posting at Free Republic, which I had never seen before, of my September 2000 article, “My Bush Epiphany,” at WorldNetDaily. This was the article in which I quoted Bush’s campaign speech calling for an Hispanicized, multicultural America, and argued that Bush was not a conservative on the national question nor—given his silence on the Clintonite debauching of America—the moral question. Several of the Freepers treated the article, and the author, with unrestrained contempt. According to these staunch conservatives, anyone who could suggest that Bush was for open borders and was not really a conservative was an utter idiot, or, as a couple of them put it, a “Clymer.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2004 10:10 PM | Send

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