Republicans deserting Bush for Tancredo

Anti-Bush Republicans and conservatives are getting noticed. According to the Washington Times, significant numbers of Republican voters are planning not to vote for President Bush in the election because of his legalize-all-illegal-aliens-and-admit-into-the-U.S.-everyone-in-the-world-who-can-underbid-an-American-for-a-job plan, which this website has previously described as the most radical and irresponsible proposal by any president in American history. Nor will they vote for Kerry. According to Dan Stein of FAIR, there are 30,000 people in FAIR’s e-mail lists who are planning to cast a write-in vote for Rep. Tom Tancredo. In a couple of key states, figures like this could throw the election to Kerry.

If the disaster of an anti-American war protester like Kerry being elected president during time of war does not make Republicans realize that they can’t keep up their open-borders policies, perhaps nothing will. And the significance of this article being published in the Washington Times is that if Bush does lose the election, the GOP establishment won’t be able to say that it happened because he wasn’t liberal enough. It is now generally understood that Bush is losing the support of life-long Republican voters because of his insane embrace of open borders. Every vote that Bush loses over this issue means added strength to the immigration restriction movement in the future, especially within the Republican party. At the moment, I feel a write-in for Tancredo would be more significant than a vote for the Constitution Party.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 03, 2004 02:26 PM | Send

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