Bat Ye’or: the reality of Eurabia precludes restoration of U.S.-European alliance

See the interview with Bat Ye’or at FrontPage Magazine concerning her grim prognosis on Eurabia. She explains, among other things, why Sen. Kerry’s plan to restore the European-American alliance will fail:

Bat Ye’or: Senator Kerry’s declaration is inaccurate given the Euro-American context of cultural, political and economic rivalries preceding Bush’s election, and especially the emergence of a new and complex situation that the European and American public have not yet fully understood. This is the threat of a global jihad, with its ideology, strategy and tactics, coordinated with its cells worldwide. The difference between Europe and America is that Europe denies it because it cannot nor does it wish to fight for certain values already forfeited. We see here the collision of two radically opposed strategies.

Meanwhile, the useful weblog Captain’s Quarters expands on the emptiness of Kerry’s promise that he can get the Europeans to give us more help in Iraq.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 21, 2004 07:42 AM | Send

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