Spanish government seeking to remove Christian symbols

I hazarded the guess yesterday that Spain’s leftist Prime Minister had condemned “2,000 years” of sexual inequality instead of “10,000” years or “100,000” years because his real target was Christianity. Oh, my prophetic soul. It turns out that the Spanish government is, in fact, involved in a full-scale campaign to reduce the Christian influence in Spain. According to The Telegraph:

The Spanish government sparked a furious row yesterday after it emerged that it had drawn up a timetable to halve state funding of the Roman Catholic Church and to ban crucifixes from public buildings.

The Socialist government has already pedged to confront the Church ideologically and fiscally and to transform Spain into a fully secular society by scrapping the Church’s “privileged position in society”.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 25, 2004 09:02 AM | Send

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