Muslims feeling less at home in Netherlands

The story is from Reuters, “Dutch Muslims Dismayed by Anti-Islamic Backlash”:

“I’m thinking of going back to Turkey. Seriously,” the 39-year-old Muslim said just a few hundred meters (yards) from the apartment police stormed last Wednesday after a 14-hour siege with suspected Islamic militants. “We’re all frightened.”

Yes! (Pumping fist in the air.)

You see? It’s not a matter of America and other Western countries having to climb some impossible mountain of physically deporting millions of Third-World immigrants. If we just enforced the law and withdrew the welcome that made all those immigrants feel comfortable about coming here in the first place, large numbers of them would start to leave on their own. The power to end—or at least to reverse—the de-Westernization of the West lies within ourselves, within our own thoughts.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 13, 2004 11:47 PM | Send


“Just enforcing the law” is so much easier said than done. But it’s true that if and when such a thing happens that many immigrants will turn to “do-it-yourself” deportation. This exact process happened in New York City in the months after September 11. What’s disappointing in the case of Holland and the United States is that it takes a major crisis for people to realize that immigration laws exist for a reason.

Posted by: John Ring on November 14, 2004 12:57 AM

Yes! Hurray for the Euro-pinkos! The big question: Will this reaction spread across Europe?

Posted by: David Levin on November 14, 2004 4:13 AM

It would take a whole lot to make these people linked below surrender their outposts here. These are precisely the type of immigrants who should be a high priority for deportation.

Posted by: Andrew on November 14, 2004 7:08 AM

I don’t think simply enforcing immigration laws will do it. We must make them feel like aliens by bringing back traditional Judeo-Christian values and Christianity into public life. This coupled with large scale deportations will throw Allah out of Europe.

Posted by: Eugene Girin on November 14, 2004 9:31 AM

I find myself chuckling aloud when I read these stories of poor muslims “suddenly” feeling unwelcome (there is a word in Yiddish for this emotion; it is called “kvelling”, and you need not be of the Mosaic persuasion to use it).

I’m not so sure the reaction will spread across Europe, but there is hope. As Mr. Ring points out, a major crisis is needed to precipitate these reactions, and even with that, there are no guarentees people, nor their government leaders will get the hint. After all, France has the largest number of Arabs in terms of gross population, yet Chirac sent his personal plane to delver Arafat to a state run military hospital. Palestinian or not, Arafat was and is a hero to Muslim communities around the world, despite the fact that he was a murderer. Yet the man was lionized by the French government…so what will it take, what type or degree of crisis will be necessary for France-or the French people-to see the inchoate threat of unrestricted immigration?

I have an answer, but it pains me to contemplate it. France has experienced a huge increase in violent anti-Semitism in the last two years, to which the government has largely turned a blind eye. Although in my mind this certainly constitutes a crises, Arab anti-Semitism just does not meet the litmus test for an equally forceful reaction against it. Christians are also in the crosshairs of radical Islamists, and sadly, nothing will happen in a country like France, or any other Euro democracy, until Christian institutions begin to feel the wrath of Muslim extremism the way the Jews have.

Posted by: FK on November 14, 2004 9:38 AM

To Mr. Girin, my statement was not meant as comprehensive or final. I was saying that even doing those two things would be enough to turn the issue around.

One cannot say everything that there is to say about a subject every time one speaks about that subject!

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 14, 2004 9:52 AM

One way to exercise the power to end the de-Westernization of the West would be to deny medical benefits to immigrants. Why on earth should the State foot the bill for immigrants to propogate into an indeginous population not at all interested in integrating into general society? It’s madness, but then again, so is the notion of socialized medicine that is part and parcel of most Euro countries, including the Netherlands. The Muslims stand to emerge victorious not necessarily by the sword, but by the child.

Posted by: FK on November 14, 2004 11:19 AM

Right. End medical subsidies and other state subsidies for immigrants. In America, the Republican party considered it “extreme” to seek to deny state assistance even to illegal aliens. But they should be denied to legal immigrants as well. It once would have been taken for granted that we don’t admit immigrants who immediately become dependents on the state. Now that’s considered extreme. But if we turned that idea around, the immigrants would turn _themselves_ around.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 14, 2004 11:55 AM

That would be a great idea. I wonder if any European parties support that. I know Michael Howard was vehemently anti-immigration, but later moderated his rhetoric.

With regard to your posting, I didn’t mean to make my comment sound confrontational, I agree with you on enforcing immigration laws, indeed, those two things would be enough to turn the situation around.

By the way, the dhimmis from Brussells have banned the Vlaams Blok. I wonder if they will just adopt a different name or split into different parties. Hopefully, the former happens.

Posted by: Eugene Girin on November 14, 2004 12:51 PM

There is a very good article by Ilana Mercer at the VDARE.COM front page about Jews in certain countries and Muslim immigration. She mentions the experiences of her own family in South Africa, which was tolerant of Jews until the whites gave up power there. is another good website related to this subject. You can read articles from the Middle East and watch clips from TV shows there.

It’s hard to believe how vitriolic the anti-Semitism is coming out of the Islamic world. It’s easily on the level of Nazi propaganda from the 30s and 40s. All this would make no sense if one believed the university propaganda that it was Christians who first “created” anti-Semitism and that it has always been Christians, not Muslims, who persecuted Jews. I think we all know better, however.

Posted by: John Ring on November 14, 2004 1:14 PM

Ilana Mercer makes a great point in her article:

“Our forefathers typified the Jewish immigrant experience in that they assimilated entirely, becoming productive, loyal citizens. Unlike today’s immigrants, they were not encouraged by self-serving politicians and identity-politics activists to cling to a militant distinctiveness.”

The good old days…

Posted by: Eugene Girin on November 14, 2004 1:34 PM

Mercer’s article is interesting, and largely true. It is not the whole story, however. In South Africa, just as in the United States, Jewish immigrants and their descendants were prominent in Leftist organizations that undermined the existing society. While the claim was always to be advancing social justice for the benefit of all, the practical effect was often to erode the position of host countries’ majority populations so that, inter alia, Jews would be less conspicuous in the more diverse hodge-podge populations that result. The ANC that Mercer rightly deplores would never have gone anywhere without Jewish leadership and support. It is certainly true that hard-working Jewish immigrants have contributed much to the material prosperity of South Africa, America and other Western countries. It is equally true that equally hard-working Jewish immigrants have contributed mightily to the cultural and social disintegration of those countries.

It is very welcome that Jewish groups are starting to see the threat to Jews of mass Moslem immigration. It will be more welcome when they truly join forces with those who want to preserve our civilization and overcome what sometimes seems to be a reflexive instinct to subvert Christian societies. The feeling I get when I read what people like Steven Steinlight, and those who were so quick to revile Gibson’s Passion, have to say is that even if they now know that Islam cannot be trusted, they remain just as wary of white Christians and just as hostile to Christianity as ever.

A West that has completely lost its faith will never undo the inroads believing Moslems have made. If they are truly interested in preserving the West as a place where Jews can live in peace, Jewish organizations need to stop their consistent efforts to suppress all public expression of Christianity. Christians and Jews need to face this threat together. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on November 15, 2004 8:11 AM

Mr. Sutherland,

Hal Lindsey has something to say about the damaging effects of organizations such as the ACLU (Linked below).

Mr. Lindsey is a Biblical Scholar who specializes in end times prophesy. I don’t exactly know what to make about apocalyptic interpretation, but his frequent political analyses are often on the money.

I heard him interviewed on the Bob Grant Show some time ago and his understanding of the Islamic danger and history is quite comprehensive.

Posted by: Andrew on November 15, 2004 8:43 AM

Amen! What poetic irony there would be if the Dutch led the way to send the message to the millions of unwanted Moslems in their midst, when these very Dutch have been the pioneers in opening the doors to the suicidal corrosion of their society. Now, Germans! French! Italians! Spanish! British! Stand up and be counted! And dare I add—Americans?

Posted by: Jonathan Chaves on November 15, 2004 2:04 PM


The Dutch are getting crazier each day,
So weird that there’s not much that one can say
About their predilection for insanity,
Except: is it all driven by their vanity?

Are they so vain that they think whores and drugs
Should be theirs on demand? And that the bugs
One catches from them are fair price to pay
For utterly free high and for free lay?

Do they reject the notion that one’s breath
Runs out with fate? Think one may choose one’s death
Or someone else’s, if that person suffers
From awful pain—have they removed the buffers

Between man and his God by simply spitting
In God’s face, like Eve? By simply shitting
All over His Commandments? Having trod
Upon His Word each Dutchman thinks HE’S god.

And yet he’s not; no man’s divine but Christ.
The Dutch pull off a kind of cosmic heist
By claiming to control the whole of life
And death: like our primeval man and wife.

Yes, Adam, Eve, rebelled against their Lord,
And so were driven by a fiery sword
Beyond the pale of Eden! On the lam,
They must have founded ancient Amsterdam.

The Dutch think prostitution is OK;
They think that heroin is good for play
Or work! That it improves one’s concentration
While leading to a state of pure elation.

They think—but why go on? The gals are butch,
The guys all faggoty among the Dutch,
The whole place reeks of New Age weirdness! Dang!
One day like Sodom: Boom!—just one Big Bang.

Meanwhile, the Dutch love their computers, which
Give the illusion to each quean and bitch
That they control the world, they really think
That they can turn to perfume every stink

By playing with computers! That’s why she—
Our heroine, young Beatrix—felt free
Whenever she sat down before the keyboard,
And sat upright, not swaying star— or leeboard.

Yes, Beatrix so loved her new work-station
That she gave up her daily luncheon ration
Of veggie goodies to log extra hours
At work—her desk was lovely with its flowers,

Her walls were lovely with the many pix
Of her and lesbian lovers having sex.
Her only wish? To spend here many lives!
Until, one day, she broke out into hives!

And so red zits, size of a Euro coin
Filled all her body: arms, legs, tummy, groin.
It hurt, it itched, it made our Beatrix furious!
And, truth to tell, it caused her to get curious

About the cause of all her agony!
“Mijn God!” She groaned. “Vy dos dis com to me?”
But suddenly, a voice made Beatrix hip:
“My daughter! Hearken! ‘Tis the microchip!”

Ah, God had spoken, even though our girl
Did not believe in Him! Head in a whirl
She hired a lawyer, sued the Ministry
Of Education, paid an extra fee

For suing Intel too, sat back and waited
To learn the outcome to which she was fated.
Her case, she’s learned, alas! will not be heard
For seven years! Her only comment: “Merde!”

Posted by: Jonathan Chaves on November 15, 2004 2:36 PM

The above was inspired by an actual news story about three years ago, about a Dutch woman suing the office where she worked because she broke out in hives… .

Posted by: Jonathan Chaves on November 15, 2004 2:40 PM

Re: Mr. Sutherlands observation on Jewish involvement in Leftist leadership positions in South Africa.. let me say this: Amen brother.

Let us not forget that Joe Slovo, an outspoken commie in apartheid SA, was Jewish, as were many in the anti-apartheid movement. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Jewish involvement in leftist organizations has been detrimental to both the Jewish community and the general populace. Better to call it a disaster, and an embarrasment. It’s one thing to embrace the idea of personal liberties that are sacrosanct in one’s private life (I am speaking of homosexuality here) . An argument can certainly be made that gay relationships are a private matter between consenting adults, and the State must not make intrusions into a persons bedroom. But it’s another story entirely to make homosexuality, abortion, or apartheid a religious issue, as Jewish liberals have done, with support for these causes supposedly based on the historic tradition of Judaism.

I am reminded of a rabbi who, not long ago, declared lettuce and grapes picked by oppressed migrant farm workers to be “unkosher”. His justification was based again on Jewish tradition, wherein one must have sympathy for those who are oppressed. So these two foods from the plant phylum were now declared “treif” by this rabbinic scholar; he did not, however, mention anything about the actual Judaic prohibition against eating shell fish, cheese burgers, or ham- foods that are authentically “unkosher”. It’s like the bad joke about how something, (ANYTHING!), becomes a Jewish cause: Just let Jews get involved in it!

I am embarrased by organizations like the ADL, AJC, and Hadassah. All three have supported abortion, even partial birth abortion. All three support gay marriage. All three have ZERO to say about immigration restrictions. Affirmative action- DITTO. And they have all attacked Evangelical Christians, despite the latters support for Israel and Jewish survival. And I won’t even broach the subject of school choice. In every instance, Jewish organizations like these ineviteably base their support for these causes on fallacious interpretations of the Torah and fundamental Jewish beliefs.

And, truth be told, should anyone with half a brain criticize them for their liberal biases, the stigma of being labeled an anti-Semite will shortly follow.

It’s enough to make a person completely “feh klimpt”.

Posted by: FK on November 15, 2004 8:40 PM


Right on. As a traditionalist Jew, I was always embarassed and enraged by the disgusting leftism of the overwhelming majority of American Jews.

Rabbi Meir Kahane had this to say about abortion and homosexuality:

“The fact is that abortion to Jews is murder and that homosexuality is an abomination and that suicide is not a right…” (On Jews and Judaism: Selected Articles 1961-1990)

Those wise words and not the leftist ramblings of some Reform “rabbi” are what the true Jewish teachings are.

Posted by: Eugene Girin on November 15, 2004 9:07 PM

I grew up in the midwest (I’ve lived all over the US since), but sometimes I swear it seems like it must have been the moon. I’ve noticed all manner of white liberals all my life engaged in relentless cultural suicide via the means of politics, but I barely even noticed a Jewish element before I started reading stuff from the paleo right. I mean there is certainly an element there I guess, but it seems like kind of an almost unnoticeable outrigger on the big liberal catamaran: much less prominent than (e.g.) the black liberal organizations that explicitly push themselves as black and liberal, and certainly not the main driver of the ship. Dunno if its a generational thing, or if I haven’t been reading the right rags, or if I’ve just been too dumb and blind to notice. I’m no big fan of secular zionism, and as a Catholic I disagree with my Jewish friends on what is fundamentally true to a greater degree even than I disagree with my Protestant friends. If I lived in a primarily Catholic town I’d probably even support laws keeping the shops closed on Sunday, much as that might irritate my Jewish neighbors, on account of my kids growing up there and me wanting them to see the public order supporting their Christian faith.

So I don’t really have a dog in the fight when it comes to allocating responsibility for liberalism by ethnic group, and I’ve probably got an opinion to offend just about anyone who does; though my sense is that non-Jewish white euros had a thing or two to say about it. And I’m all in favor of racial stereotypes as generalizations that contain useful truths, so it isn’t as though my sight is likely to have been clouded by anti-racism. Probably just plain old ordinary ignorance on my part I guess.

It may seem awfully panty-wasted and aecumenical of me to suggest that wherever the enemy came from he is more of a threat to our various traditions than we are to each other. But I’ll suggest it anyway. I’m opposed to liberalism whatever its form, but I just don’t see it as a primarily Jewish conspiracy as if the Jews had magical powers to make all this happen without us slow-witted midwestern boys ever noticing. Yeah, the neocons tar everything paleo as anti-semitic because they are too lazy to mount an actual argument (even so far as to say that the label Podhoretz coined himself and voluntarily adopted is code for anti-semitism); and that blanket exoneration of the Jews qua the Jews doesn’t track any better than a blanket exoneration of prottys-qua-prottys or catlicks-qua-catlickers. But in the end it doesn’t matter who is beating who with what polemical club; it matters what is *true*.

Of course one advantage to the Jewish conspiracy approach is that it allows us - meaning us gentiles - to feel the perfection in our own roots. Not just loyalty, mind you, but obsequiousness to our own historico-teleological perfection as a substitute for real particular loyaltyies. If liberalism’s roots don’t extend into our Christian tradition then there is no need for us to repent and reform our ways; we just have to get rid of the bad guys who perpetrated it on us from the outside. You know, the oppressor-untermensch, if it wasn’t for whom we would be the free and equal superman, I mean the flawless this-worldly Christian city on a hill. I suppose that might be comforting in a self-satisfied sort of way, though I don’t know how well aligned it is with objective reality. And if it isn’t aligned with objective reality then any action we take based on it is likely to fall short of expectations.

Posted by: Matt on November 15, 2004 9:36 PM

I should say that my last ramble (apologies for the length, I guess that was pretty bad looking at that monster post now) wasn’t directed at any poster in particular, it was just a brain-dump of my perspective on the assignment of responsibility or co-responsibility for liberalism to the Jews.

Posted by: Matt on November 15, 2004 9:43 PM

It could be helpful to recognize that Jewish people are a substantial part of the major (and minor) media, so it would be rational to conclude the ideas of some Jewish people are having a substantial effect on politics. I agree though, as Mr. Auster has made clear, there is a much larger host of gentiles that agree with these few people.

Posted by: Paul Henrí on November 16, 2004 12:04 AM

Don’t leave out the Jewish influence in Hollywood, Mr. Henri. They are a special case all their own. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!

Posted by: Bob Griffin on November 16, 2004 12:20 AM

Oh heck, an anecdote to spice things up. Quite sometime ago when I was in my twenties, I participated in an extended two-day competition between about ten professionals. During the breaks, I would talk to a beautiful, outgoing receptionist: my perfect complement, as I am less than outgoing. After I left the last day proudly because of compliments by the host-colleague, I suddenly decided to call her at work, the only phone number I had. It was a Friday, and I cheekily asked her out for the same evening.

She said she was glad, but she said it was a Jewish holy evening and could not join me. Drat! I had no idea she was Jewish, and I was scared off; not because of prejudice, but because of my Catholicism and of “what people might think.” I still would have gone had she said yes, but I never called her again and have regretted it ever since: you know; the one that got away. Of course, because of my somewhat pathological scrupulousness, I probably would have been conflicted because of my faith, not my race. Who knows, I might be partially Jewish; I wish.

Posted by: Paul Henrí on November 16, 2004 12:40 AM

That’s a terrific brain-dump from Matt. Jews have been infected with the disease of liberalism just like all of us in the West. This is hardly surprising given the fact that Jewish ideas form part of the very core of our civilization. The Paleos who want to throw the responsibility for liberalism on Jews are simply denying the culpability of the white elites because it is too close to home for their comfort. Better to have the that demonic, controlling untermensch to blame than confront falsehoods in your own family. Even in Israel, liberalism steadily eats away at the foundations of the Jewish state founded with such sacrifice. It is truly a false religion.

It has been said that Jews are like the proverbial canary in the coal mine. If there is some force that has set its sights on destroying Jews, the likelihood exists that Christianity will be its next target. It was certainly the case with National Socialism, and ultimately proved to be so for Communism as well. Liberalism’s goal is the same. American Jews voted overwhelmingly for John Kerry, who was perfectly willing to abandon Israel to the jihadis. I can only guess that, as true believers in liberalism, they despise America, Christianity, and tradtional Judaism, with its uncompromising law and prophets, far more than they love Israel. Jewish leftists have much more in common with Michael Moore than they do with Rabbi Lapin.

In the West, a large percentage of the Jewish population appears to have abandoned the traditional Judaism exemplified by conservatives like Don Feder and Rabbi Lapin and embraced liberalism - just as their white gentile counterparts have substituted liberalism for Christianity.

South Africa provides a perfect example. The Jews of South Africa imbibed the poison of liberalism along with the white Anglo elite. The end result was the collapse of the South African Republic and its replacement by a Marxist regime which is overtly pro-Islamist and anti-Israel. Now many Jews and well-heeled whites are fleeing the world’s rape and murder capital in droves. I have to wonder - will learn from this? Or, will they go on to Australia, New Zealand and the US only to further infect these places with the disease they carry.

Posted by: Carl on November 16, 2004 1:59 AM
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