The real reason Moslems hate America: we give their kids candy

Since 9/11, our minds have been stretched by a dizzying array of explanations as to why Moslems want to mass murder us and destroy our country, including: our power, our success, our wealth, our freedom, our bossiness, our tolerance, our racism, our diversity, our lack of diversity, our pop culture, our friendship with Israel, our refusal to sign the Kyoto Accord, our failure to alleviate world hunger, and on and on and on. But, no matter how long and improbable the list of indictments becomes, you can always count on liberals to come up with something Really Wrong with America that even a satirist couldn’t have dreamt of. Here, via Best of the Web, is a letter to the editor of the Portland (Maine) Press-Herald from a Truly Sensitive American named Florence White:

Am I the only one who finds the idea of sending candy to Iraqi children not only not brilliant but insensitive, offensive and stupid (“Kids offered sweet deal on candy,” Oct. 29)?

The candy is not good for our children’s teeth but OK for kids who probably have no access to dentistry?

Can you catch just a glimmer of why Americans are so hated in other parts of the world? [Italics added.]

Which reminds me of a great verse from Bob Dylan’s first album, back in 1962, in a song called “Talking New York Blues”:

Well, a lot of people don’t have much food on their table.
But they’ve got a lot of forks, and knives,
And they’ve gotta cut somethin’.

Well, a lot of liberals don’t have any real grievances against America on their table any more; America no longer allows organized racial discrimination against blacks (and in fact discriminates in favor of blacks), it no longer allows discrimination against women (and in fact discriminates in favor of women), it no longer discriminates against prospective nonwhite immigrants (and in fact is rapidly turning itself into a nonwhite country), it has a vast multi-trillion social safety net, and the government provides an absurd cornucopia of services to individuals that the government shouldn’t even be providing. But the liberals have got a lot of forks, and knives, and they’ve got to cut something.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 15, 2004 05:37 PM | Send

Candy is Dandy, but
Liquor is Quicker

Ogden Nash

Posted by: Timegrid on November 15, 2004 5:48 PM


Posted by: Bob Griffin on November 15, 2004 6:45 PM

This is a fascinating topic close to my heart, but its late here and I’ve got to get some sleep.

Good Night.

Occupied Europe out.

Posted by: Andrew on November 15, 2004 6:48 PM

“[L]iberals have got a lot of forks, and knives, and they’ve got to cut _something_.”

Rather than continuing to ‘cut’ America and conservatives and whites, maybe they should do us all a favor and cut their wrists. :-)

Posted by: Joshua on November 15, 2004 7:29 PM

Remind them that it’s down the street, not across the road.

Posted by: Jonathan Neill on November 15, 2004 10:14 PM

Just watched an interesting docudrama on 9/11 - “Zero Hour” out of Britain. It would be risible except for the horrific outcome, passengers sitting passively on flight 11 while its lunatic hijackers slammed it into a building and the commentator praising them for their submissive inaction to defend their own lives - intellectual insanity is the only way to describe it.

How it typifies whats happening in many western states, a dormant and confused culture sitting idly by while nutcases drive them to suicide. Little wonder phony liberals (marxists) identify so readily with suicidal muslims.

Liberals, like islamic radicals want you to be docile and obedient by while they kill you. As stated before, America will not survive in its present constitutional form after the next attacks, the liberal crazies will react the same way here as in holland, the absurdity of witnessing the goverment expend its efforts to protect large islamic enclaves will be the breaking point for Americans. The difference of course that unlike holland are the heavily armed US citizens, who will no longer be docile in having deranged egg heads determine their fate.

Lawrence, what do you think of the media conditioning people for a possible nuclear attack? It was nice to see CBS blaming america in advance, since its killed millions of muslims. How they could make these statements in public and not offer the slightest intellectual challenge is tantamount on treason.

Posted by: obvious on November 15, 2004 10:30 PM

I’m not sure what the poster is referring to.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 15, 2004 10:32 PM

obvious doesn’t make sense. We killed millions of Muslims? I don’t think so.

That topic—what the U.S. night do if we are attacked with a nuke or dirty bomb by al Qaida—is a dark topic that few people I know want to discuss. Perhaps for another post.

Posted by: David Levin on November 16, 2004 4:14 AM

Of all the reasons, justified or unjustified, why people around the world may hate America, the fact that we send kids candy has never ever crossed my mind before now.
This woman seems to be reaching for a way to say that everything America does is wrong.
I am reminded of a column on FrontPageMag by Jamie Glazov where he seems to argue that the reason Communism was bad was that a girl who wet her pants when Stalin visited a school was allowed to give flowers to Stalin a year later.
In both cases, the people supported their thesis by using the stupidest example they could think of.

Posted by: Michael Jose on November 16, 2004 4:31 AM

Looking more closely at the column, things are starting to make sense.
That idea sound typical of about 50% of the letters to the editor that you get in Maine (I’m from Maine, I should know).
Maine seems to have an overabundance of people who have a difficult time making sense when they decide to write in the paper. I think it has something to do with the mercury levels in our lobsters.

Posted by: Michael Jose on November 16, 2004 4:34 AM

What is it you are saying? You’re obviously overestimating our(OK, mine at least) powers of deduction.

Posted by: NMN on November 16, 2004 11:45 AM

I think Obvious was stating that CBS has made the claim that we’ve killed millions of Muslims - a charge that is popular among leftists. I don’t share his view that millions of Americans will suddenly rise up after the next attack.

If they did, the Bush administration would send the military to crush any impromptu militias and defend the precious “others.” The intent of the second amendment has been effectively undermined through the nationalization of state militias in the wake of the civil war and the extreme limitations on access to modern weaponry by the National Firearms Act of 1933. Look at the arrests of ranchers and homeowners along our southern border for attempting to keep illegal aliens off their own property. This isn’t the America of 1941, much less 1850.

Posted by: Carl on November 16, 2004 1:21 PM

I watch CBS — yes, I know it’s masochistic — and missed any claim “we” have killed millions of Muslims.
I suggest Michael Jose read the letter columns of the NY Times. The mercury explanation for Maine will not stand up!

Posted by: Alan Levine on November 16, 2004 5:04 PM

The lady might be on to something. I’ve always wondered if Africans hated the white colonists not despite their having built them schools, roads and hospitals, but precisely *because* they built those schools, roads and hospitals.

Call me a cynic, but nobody likes a show-off.

Posted by: Reg Cæsar on November 16, 2004 11:51 PM
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