Is Europe finally awakening?

The Netherlands and Germany are raging over the radical Moslem presence in Europe in the aftemath of the jihadist slaughter of filmmaker Theo van Gogh. As Tony Blankley sums up the situation, it would appear that this goes beyond a momentary emotional wave and has reached the point of a real and publicly stated recognition by Europeans, including establishment media organs, that Moslems threaten their societies. Yet the debate, in Blankley’s hands and others, is still at the starting line, still revolving around the need for Moslems to be “assimilated.” Thus Blankley approvingly quotes Charles Colson’s approving quote of a Moslem “moderate” who says: “Either Islam gets Europeanized or Europe gets Islamized.” But neither Colson nor Blankley nor anyone else asks: what if, being what they are, the Moslems can’t be “Europeanized”?

Despite these quibbles, the rise of openly expressed anti-Moslem concerns in Europe is a very hopeful event.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 24, 2004 03:16 PM | Send


Mr. Auster asks a question that should be asked, and I would ask one more:

Why on earth should any Westerner find it even conceivable that Europe should be Islamized?

The goal should not be assimilation but repatriation, just as it should be with illegal aliens (and plenty of legal arrivals as well) here. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on November 24, 2004 3:25 PM

Repatriation did not work, even when Liberia was created by freed slaves to welcome freed slaves home.

Posted by: Andrew on November 24, 2004 3:57 PM

The repatriation Andrew speaks of is of African slaves and their descendants, people brought involuntarily to America. From the point of view of Liberia’s American black elite, repatriation worked very nicely for at least 130 years in any event.

I am talking about repatriating people who have invaded (illegal aliens) and those who have come legally yet cannot or will not assimilate to their host country’s ways (legal immigrants of all sorts, with Moslems the riskiest at the moment). All have come voluntarily, and usually despite the lack of enthusiasm of the natives for mass immigration. A country that will not insist that foreign residents conform to its norms will find that the newcomers’ norms prevail. Europe’s greatest immigration problem is Moslems, America’s is Mexicans. Neither group has shown much interest in assimilating to European or American norms. Ultimately, either they go or we do. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on November 24, 2004 4:20 PM

Repatriation on any scale is of benefit so I don’t understand the logic of a statement such as repatriation in Liberia did not work. Repatriation in Liberia was not a complete success because it was not completed. Eisenhower deported illegals in droves; thus, illegals were not a serious problem until we stopped mass deportations. Hopefully, the arguer will concede the point instead of merely switching arguments as liberals do.

Posted by: Paul Henri on November 24, 2004 4:39 PM

Mr. Sutherland,

I am not sure of the actual numbers of Africans who eventually emigrated to Liberia, but I know it was not great.

Repatriating illegal invaders, I support and think those who are illegal should be deported according to law. Those many here who simply refuse to assimilate are a different matter, as there is no legal justification for removal on cultural grounds.

I also think the danger posed by Muslims is greater as they are functioning globally and have Saudi Arabia’s money to assist in entrenching themselves within American society and our political, educational structure.

Posted by: Andrew on November 24, 2004 4:47 PM

Mr. Henri,

The amount of repatriation required to remove tens millions of illegals and unsuitables from this formerally great nation staggers the imagination. It took 30 years or more to willingly allow them ransack the candy store, how long will it take to kindly request they leave of their own free volution this decadent mascrade ball or be forced to round them up? Any repatriation is good to be sure, but the net negative flow must be greater than their prodigious powers of propagation.

Also, I didn’t know Eisenhower was deporting illegals, I have to look into it.

Posted by: Andrew on November 24, 2004 5:10 PM

I agree with Mr. Auster and Mr. Sutherland. Seeing the German and Netherlands Socialists (a self-cancelling phrase) turn on the practioners of peace is a very positive development. Whether it will lead to mass deportations of Moslems in those countries, however, is another story. Birthrates in those countries as in the U.S. are very low, correct? With the protections afforded homosexuals in those countries (as in Canada) and their ultra-sexually free cultures where abortion on demand is approved of and paid for by the respective governments, isn’t it logical to assume that those societies are dying?

Also, do any fellow VFR Mssngrs know the stats on how many German, Dutch, British and French Moslem immigrants are illegal and how many are legal? Just curious as I haven’t seen such stats indicated in articles on this subject. I assume that many were “invited” by the host countries to fill low-paying jobs.

Posted by: David Levin on November 24, 2004 5:11 PM

Mr. Levin,

Here is a good article which may help shed some light on the immigration figures in Europe. Bottom line, nobody really knows (it’s bad) except the EU bureaucrats and they won’t reveal the extent of the problem.

Posted by: Andrew on November 24, 2004 5:17 PM

The figures from France vary. There are about five million Moslems officially, but many say there are probably eight million. I do not know how to separate legal from illegal. However, the following facts came to light not too long ago:

Every year there are 200,00 new legal immigrants and 200,00 new illegal immigrants. To these 400,00 you must add 100,00 births. The official government figures are much less because they do not take into account foreign students and “tourists” who come to squat.

Thus by 2030, a quarter of the French population will be Moslem.

If you know French well, you can consult :

A word about polemia - it is a website devoted to revealing the truth about France today. They often provide good statistics. They are tepid toward the US and Bush to put it mildly, they are (I think) anti-communist, but don’t be surprised to find some anti-Semitic articles or remarks. I don’t know the website extremely well, but I consult it from time to time.

Posted by: Myriam on November 24, 2004 6:08 PM

Much thanks to Andrew and Myriam for the great Moslem-immigrant-in-Euro info—I will read it tonight while pondering tomorrow’s feast.

Posted by: David Levin on November 24, 2004 6:58 PM

Pardón Mr. Andrew. I came down too hard on you in my self-righteous way, expecting you were a liberal; but that is still not an excuse for my bad behavior. I tried to post an apology before your response, but my ISP was down.

I recognize the difficulty in repatriating illegals at this late stage. But difficulty is not a reason to abandon an idea; Washington, Churchill, and the Union would have lost their wars had they been deterred by difficulty. I know our chances of repatriating are slim, but I must defend my culture. The outlook is truly bleak, but I have not given up.

I hope you have not given up. We are making progress constantly through our efforts. We have stopped many open borders laws and have just recently stalled the 9/11 legislation because of the Senate’s refusal to accept the House’s immigration reform provisions, and the House needs our immediate support. The fight is ongoing. So go to FAIR and send your support to the key Congressmen now. The Cold War was long and the outcome uncertain, to say the least, but we kept at it for 34 years until success was achieved by a leader, Ronald Reagan.

Posted by: Paul Henrí on November 24, 2004 10:43 PM

Mr. Henri,

I agree completely. The U.S. has been through terrible times before and pulled through. One shudders to imagine what it was like to be alive in 1942, as German, Russian, and Japanese atheistic militarism ran rampant over half the globe.

I would recommend as another group worth donating to. Craig Nelsen is very dedicated.

Posted by: Mark on November 24, 2004 11:14 PM

I agree Mark, and I continue to send him my support. I used FAIR because it is a key player that has links to valuable Websites such as ProjectUSA. His billboards have created quite a commotion. God Bless him.

Posted by: Paul Henrí on November 24, 2004 11:29 PM
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