Only a return of traditionalist morality can save Israel

VFR reader Carl Simpson replied to my post on the horrific poll showing that 51 percent of Germans view Israelis as the moral equivalent of Nazis:

Far more than jihadist propaganda—which is only accepted in the first place thanks to liberalism—it is liberalism itself that is to blame for such an extraordinary poll. It is the same liberalism often advanced by liberals of Jewish origin—here, in Europe and even in Israel itself—that lies at the root of the moral equivalence position that is now so popular in Europe (as it is on nearly every university campus in this country). If morality is undermined, this is the inevitable result.

The only way to see the truth about the Israelis vs. the “Palestinians” is to embrace the traditional, transcendent morality of the West—rooted in Judaism and Christianity. Jewish neocons like David Frum who embrace the destruction of traditional morality and simultaneously support Israel are applying the unprincipled exception.

I thank Mr. Simpson for his excellent comment. Traditionalism is the answer—the PRACTICAL answer— to the death trap of liberalism! None of today’s regular “conservatives” has any answer. All they have is unprincipled exceptions. They believe in the liberal principle of equality, they believe that discrimination and ethnic nationhood should be everywhere removed and that inclusion should be the ruling idea of the globe—except when those nice principles suddenly become suicidally unworkable, as in Israel, a land filled with and surrounded by its mortal enemies. And then they suddenly drop the liberalism and make the “survival of Israel” their cry. But the survival of Israel cannot be justified by liberal principles, and the idea of it will always be at a disadvantage in a world where only liberal principles are legitimate. Israel’s right to exist, and its right to use whatever force is necessary to preserve its existence, can only be justified by traditionalist principles and values—nationhood, culture, history, peoplehood, and morality.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 09, 2004 12:42 AM | Send

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