“Conservatives” accept women in war

A reader writes:

Do you notice that Beltway Conservatives aren’t criticizing “women in the military” as they often did under Clinton? Our Conservative President Bush fully accepts a feminized military, so our “conservative” pundits do likewise. This is another area were Bush has moved the GOP leftward in a big way. I read a few weeks ago that 27 US women soldiers had been killed, including 6 mothers. It doesn’t arouse a peep of concern. Women being killed as soldiers has been internalized, with GWB as always, leading the way.

I said 14 years ago that a country that sends women to war doesn’t deserve to be supported. That’s not a sustainable position in practice. But, as I’ve said before, even if such a sickening outrage as the practice of having women serve in combat areas is established and there’s nothing we can do about it for the time being, we should never accept it, never regard it as normal or right. The most important point for traditionalists “is that we say NO to the prevailing values of the liberal order and that we keep saying no, that we never accept them inwardly.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 30, 2004 06:00 PM | Send

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