Why there is so much unbelief today

In the past, people understood that life was a vale of tears, where goodness co-existed with hardship, misfortune, suffering, injustice, and crime, and they didn’t expect it to be otherwise. They looked to God to show them a higher path transcending the sufferings and injustices of this world, but they didn’t expect him to eliminate them. Suffering and injustice were the givens; God’s salvation was the new thing, the Good News.

Today it’s the opposite. The expectation is that life should be perfect or close to perfect. Any injustice or inequality in this world outrages us and proves that God doesn’t exist. Instead of God being seen as man’s savior, showing us a higher way through the pains and inequalities of this life, God is judged as inadequate, or as non-existent, because pains and equalities exist.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 04, 2005 06:18 PM | Send

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