Women being placed in near-combat units in Iraq

The feminization of the military—or, should I say, the militarization of women—advances, and Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness wants it both ways. Writing at NRO, Donnelly criticizes the Pentagon for sneaking women into forward support units near combat where they have never served before. Unfortunately but predictably, she then issues the obligatory remark that America is “proud” of having women serve in uniform. But what kind of people are “proud” to see women abandoning their children to go off to war? What kind of people are “proud” to see young women marching and training next to men? What kind of people are “proud” of the fact that women soldiers are being killed and maimed in Iraq? Not me. I feel disgusted and ashamed about it. I think it is a national disgrace.

What Donnelly and all other mainstream conservatives today fail to understand is that, given the dynamics of our liberal society, once America had started down the road of letting women into the service academies and putting them into regular armed services units back in the 1970s, ever-increasing feminization, up to and including quasi-combat units, was inevitable. The only effective way to oppose this horror is to oppose it radically, that is, to call for the complete end of the policy of integrating men and women in the military.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 07, 2005 02:53 PM | Send

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