Coverage of the Jersey City murders reveals liberal order

The facts on the murder of an entire family of Egyptian Christians in Jersey City are not clear yet, but the predictable major-media slant on the crime—we mustn’t blame Moslems for it, because that would lead us to behave in beastly ways—is as clear as daylight. Nothing new here. After the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, the main point made by both Clinton and Mayor Dinkins was that we must avoid any hateful thoughts or behavior against Moslems, though there were no such hateful thoughts or behavior remotely to be seen. The same happened after the 9/11 attack. Under the liberal dispensation, if our enemies attack us, we become the suspect party.

All of which suggests a variation on my typology of traditionalist, conservative, and liberal:

If jihadist Moslems mass murder non-Moslems in the name of Islam, while other jihadist Moslems celebrate the murders and threaten to do more of the same,

  • the traditionalist will point to the 1,400 year-old reality of Islamic jihadism and call for an end of Islamic immigration, plus other measures aimed at reducing the numbers and power of Moslems in the West;

  • the conservative will blame “radical” Islam, while saying we must seek out the “true,” “moderate” Islam and place on it all our hopes of universal freedom, safety, and peace;

  • the liberal will ignore the crime and severely caution us against our own racism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 21, 2005 04:00 PM | Send

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