It’s good to realize the ugly truth

A reader writes:

My hat’s off to you for your two-part article in FrontPage.

I’m very much afraid that your view is the more accurate one.

My reply:

Thank you very much. But if my view is the more accurate one, that’s good news, isn’t it? It frees us from the delusion and the burden of endlessly seeking various chimeras such as “moderate” Moslems, the “assimilation” of Moslems, “peace” processes, interreligious ecumenism, and all the rest of it.

There was once a volume of President Kennedy’s speeches with the title, The Glory and the Burden. Modern liberalism needs a different title: The Delusion and the Burden. Think Bush’s global democratism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 02, 2005 01:13 AM | Send

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