Open borders fascism

Apparently the leftist Christopher Hitchens has the same thought that I’ve had about the underlying cause of the Massed-Together, Worship-the-Leader quality that has become disturbingly evident on the Republican right. A reader informs me:

Hitchens wrote an article recently, the premise being that forty years of leftist carping and agitating culminated in a right wing backlash that produces Der Fuhrer and Il Duce by the 1930s. Rather scary, it seems to be playing out again in the present.

Ironically, however, this fascist-seeming quality on the American right that I have been noticing lately, instead of being directed toward the coercive restoration of a lost or damaged social order (which is what fascism is supposed to be about), is being directed toward a left-liberal campaign to impose multicultural democracy on all humanity while simultaneously opening America’s borders to all humanity, a campaign enforced by PC scare tactics telling us we’re “racist” if we have any doubts about the viability of Muslim democracy. So we’re getting the worst of both worlds: a politics that is increasingly fascist in style and leftist in content. Instead of a fascism for national restoration, it’s a fascism for national suicide.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 04, 2005 02:32 PM | Send

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