The terminally guilty Dutch

A reader writes:

A friend is in Amsterdam now for a 16 day vacation. He speaks Dutch and knows many Dutch living in the U.S. He says they are waking up, but they feel EXTREMELY torn inside because everything they have been taught tells them that they are wrong to feel bad that their country is being overrun by people who essentially don’t want to be Dutch and let it show.

They feel “torn”—but by what? By their own critical attitude toward Moslems who despise their country. And that is why so many Dutch are choosing to emigrate from the Netherlands. They’re not so much fleeing the Moslems as fleeing their own guilt and inner conflict about their negative reactions toward the Moslems. The only way they can remain good, liberal Netherlanders is to leave the Netherlands. This is one of the most concise descriptions of white Western suicide that I have ever seen.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 01, 2005 11:02 PM | Send

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