“Managing” the Moslem menace

Daniel Pipes is bending himself into a pretzel trying to decide which privileges Western society should extend to Islam (e.g., France must fund mosques because it has funded churches and synagogues) and which privileges it should not (e.g., schools must not create special prayer rooms for Moslems, since no other groups have prayer rooms). He concludes: “Western governments and other institutions urgently need to signal Muslims that they must accept being just one religious group of many, and that aspirations to dominate will fail.” Pipes imagines that Western society, which has already lost its traditional normative authority and is culturally falling apart, will somehow have the will and the capability to channel into “acceptable” modes of conduct an Islamic community that Pipes himself acknowledges has aspirations to dominance. But given the Moslems’ aspiration to dominate us, and given the fact that the aspiration to dominate non-Moslems is commanded by the Moslem religion, isn’t it obvious that we would have to keep controlling and managing the Moslems forever in order to prevent them from fulfilling their aspirations?

Furthermore, given that the Moslems seek to dominate our society, and thus to eliminate our rights, why should they even get the equal rights that Pipes demands for them? An old-fashioned liberal of the FDR type would have understood that you only get your rights recognized by others if you recognize their rights. But, as Pipes admits, Moslems don’t respect the rights of others and only care about their own rights and privileges. So why should we extend the equal rights of our society to them?

That’s the way the older kind of liberal, the natural-rights liberal, would have understood it. But today’s liberals, ranging from President Bush to Daniel Pipes, are “openness” liberals, who believe that people get their rights recognized and protected by society, not by participating voluntarily in the social contract in which everyone mutually recognizes each other’s rights, but simply by virtue of being human. Thus Pipes supports the French subsidization of Islamic mosques, on the basis of an equal-rights philosophy which the Moslems themselves do not accept, except insofar as they can use it for their own advantage.

Moslems are demanding rights for themselves in our society, yet they would destroy everyone else’s rights as soon as they had the ability to do so. Therefore any attempt to normalize their presence here, under a supposed common system of equal rights, will only strengthen them in their ultimate agenda of taking away our rights. Sooner or later, Pipes and his fellow liberals will realize that there is no way to square this circle. Isn’t it better for them to realize it now, when the Moslem population is still relatively small and we can still do something about it, than later, when it may be too late?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2005 01:43 PM | Send

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