Bush sent agents to save Terri’s life

How about this. Apparently on Saturday, Gov. Bush, as many people including me have been urging, ordered state agents to take custody of Terri Schiavo and reinsert her feeding tube. Unfortunately, they then backed down when local police told the agents they would enforce state judicial rulings preventing any actions to save Terri. What’s the good of exerting executive power, if you’re not going to exert it? If a court had ordered an innocent person who had never been been subjected to a trial to be killed, would the governor just stand by and let it happen? Wait—that is what’s happening here, isn’t it?

I found the story at NewsMax, which says it got the story from the Miami Herald, but NewsMax, as usual, doesn’t bother providing links to the article it is referencing, and I can’t find it myself. However, here, provided by a reader, is the Miami Herald link.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 27, 2005 03:17 PM | Send

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