A blast from the (pre-9/11) past

As Jim Kalb has remarked, in the days before 9/11 and the liberals’ resulting collapse into total irrationality, you would have expected liberals to be taking the side of a person in Terri Schiavo’s situation, rather than to be wishing her death. A vestige of that former liberalism has unexpectedly appeared in the person of none other than Jesse Jackson, who has visited the dying (no, not dying—progressively euthanized) woman in her hospice room, expressed solidarity with her and her family, and said that what is being done to her is a great injustice. Again, this is the position we once would have expected most liberals to take as a matter of course, before they adopted the sheer bigotry of saying things like, “Anything that Tom Delay and those conservatives are for, I’m against.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 29, 2005 01:51 PM | Send

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