The Age of Clinton continues, thanks to Bush

One of the two decisive reasons I declined to vote for George W. Bush in 2000 was his failure to criticize or even mention the massive corruptions of the Clinton administration. As I argued during the 2000 campaign, since Bush refused to make an issue of Clintonism, his election could not be seen as a repudiation of it and thus could not help cleanse the country of it. Indeed, Bush went further than mere silence about Clinton corruption. He made numerous statements indicating he wanted all pursuit of Clinton-era misbehavior to cease, he pulled the plug on investigations of Clinton administration figures, and he had repeatedly made nice-nice with the man who debauched America, most recently sending Clinton with Bush 41 on a highly publicized aid mission to help the tsunami victims. Bush has thus done everything he could to legitimize and normalize a man who should be shunned. The effect has been to leave Clintonism in place.

And here is one of the results of Bush’s concordat with Clintonism: Clinton’s National Security Advisor, Samuel R. (“Sandy”) Berger, is receiving a mere misdemeanor conviction for deliberately stealing classified papers from the National Archives, then deliberately destroying them, and then lying about it after he was caught, which lies he has now admitted to. Jim Geraghty sums up the story.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 02, 2005 07:27 AM | Send

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