At last! A conservative movement against judicial supremacy

An organization called Vision America, led by Rick Scarborough, is holding The Judicial War on Faith conference, aimed at launching an activist campaign against the anti-Christian, power-usurping federal courts. The conference, being broadcast on C-SPAN as I write this, played a videotaped statement by Tom Delay that was a strong attack on judicial tyranny. I’m thrilled. Years ago it seemed conservatives had given up any opposition to the power-usurping federal courts, or even any awareness of the problem. But as the courts have continued ever further in their tyrannical course, even sleepy conservatives are recognizing the threat to our form of government and are trying to do something about it.

One quibble I have is that Scarborough and the other speakers at the conference keep speaking about “activist courts,” notwithstanding Justice Scalia’s very useful point that the problem is not activist courts, since sometimes a court properly needs to insert itself into some matter; the problem is courts that refuse to confine themselves to the law and Constitution and instead act like legislatures.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 07, 2005 09:38 PM | Send

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