Doonesbury has VFR view of Iraq

A U.S. serviceman in Iraq sent me this dialog from a Doonesbury strip appearing in the April 15th issue of Stars and Stripes, Mideast Edition:

Recruiter: The thing is, sir, we’re in a far less aggressive posture in Iraq now. Our main mission is force protection.

Doonesbury: What’s force protection?

Recruiter: Basically, it’s preventing the bad guys from killing our troops.

Doonesbury: Let me get this straight. We’ve got 150,000 troops in Iraq whose main mission is to not get killed?

Recruiter: Right.

Doonesbury: Can’t they not get killed at home?

Recruiter: No. We need them to not get killed there so we don’t get killed here.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 16, 2005 03:32 PM | Send

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