The conservative solution to the husband shortage

Many women today have trouble finding a husband, and Irwin Graulich, social philosopher and moralist, has both the diagnosis and the cure. He says that single men tend to become more conservative as they get older, especially if they are planning to marry and have a family, while single women tend to become more liberal as they get older. The result is a wide mismatch. Seeing conservative men as socially undesirable, even as pariahs, liberal women shun them even if they are otherwise suitable. While some conservative men have been known to conceal their political views in order to find a mate, or even just a date, the overall problem remains. Therefore, what these single liberal women need to do in order to get married is, very simply, to give up their liberalism. The solution is elegant and practical. Just as Western society as a whole needs to give up its liberalism if it is to survive, so must Western humans.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 27, 2005 11:09 PM | Send

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