Lucianne digs Bush’s handholding session with Abdullah

When I wrote the other day about President Bush’s handholding walk with Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on Bush’s ranch, I thought of saying that Bush’s conservative supporters would probably find a way to approve of it, seeing it as yet another example of Bush’s superhuman brilliance and greatness of character in everything he does. I didn’t say it, but I was right. On the main page of today, there is a big photo of the Bush-Abdullah handholding, and beneath it, the caption says: “Whatever it takes…… “ approves Bush-Fahd handholding.jpg

Whatever it takes……

Remember how President Carter’s kiss to Leonid Breznev was seen as the nadir of the Carter presidency? Yet now “super-patriotic conservatives” support the president’s dhimmi-like handholding with the leader of a government that is actively funding a fifth-column, jihad campaign against us in our own country. Where will the Bush shame—and the conservative shame—end?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 28, 2005 12:12 PM | Send

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