Group-rights leftist calls individual-rights conservative a racist

A reader writes about the Cannon-Tancredo story: “An irony to this is that Cannon was addressing an ethnically-exclusive group and accusing someone who opposes this racial balkanization of being a racist.”

However, even though this seems like a typical liberal contradiction, it is not a contradiction from the point of view of liberalism itself. To support racial balkanization is to seek the equality of all cultures, with no culture, particularly the American culture, being dominant. By contrast, to support America’s individual-rights system is to seek to preserve the dominant position of the historic American culture, i.e., it is to preserve cultural inequality. Therefore, purely from the left-liberal perspective, Cannon was correct to suggest that Tancredo is a xenophobe and racist. Since Tancredo believes in the equality of rights of all persons, that means he thinks the American way is better, which means he thinks other cultures (and implicitly their people) are worse.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 06, 2005 12:58 AM | Send

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